Sergii Palchevskyi
Sergii Palchevskyi
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NASU
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Cited by
Molecular Cloning of CoA Synthase: THE MISSING LINK IN CoA BIOSYNTHESIS* 210
A Zhyvoloup, I Nemazanyy, A Babich, G Panasyuk, N Pobigailo, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (25), 22107-22110, 2002
Interactions of fluorinated surfactants with diphtheria toxin T-domain: testing new media for studies of membrane proteins
MV Rodnin, YO Posokhov, C Contino-Pépin, J Brettmann, A Kyrychenko, ...
Biophysical journal 94 (11), 4348-4357, 2008
Chaperoning of insertion of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers by hemifluorinated surfactants: application to diphtheria toxin
SS Palchevskyy, YO Posokhov, B Olivier, JL Popot, B Pucci, AS Ladokhin
Biochemistry 45 (8), 2629-2635, 2006
Three tRNA binding sites in rabbit liver ribosomes and role of the intrinsic ATPase in 80S ribosomes from higher eukaryotes
AV El'skaya, GV Ovcharenko, SS Palchevskii, ZM Petrushenko, ...
Biochemistry 36 (34), 10492-10497, 1997
Immunohistochemical analysis of S6K1 and S6K2 expression in human breast tumors.
LO Savinska, VV Lyzogubov, VS Usenko, GV Ovcharenko, ON Gorbenko, ...
Eksperimental'naia Onkologiia 26 (1), 24-30, 2004
Expression of α-and β-isoforms of p70S6 kinase in human endometrial tumors
DI Lytvyn, TM Dudchenko, VV Lyzogubov, VS Usenko, SV Nespryadko, ...
Exp Oncol 25 (4), 274-8, 2003
Structure of human TRPM8 channel
S Palchevskyi, M Czarnocki-Cieciura, G Vistoli, S Gervasoni, E Nowak, ...
Communications Biology 6 (1), 1065, 2023
Функціональні та регуляторні особливості кінази рибосомного білка S6 типу
ТИ Вальовка, ВВ Філоненко, СС Пальчевський, ММ Великий, ...
Биополимеры и клетка 15 (5), 415, 1999
Identification of novel binding partners for tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) by yeast two-hybrid approach
OM Malanchuk, V Pozur, GG Panasyuk, IO Nemazanyy, VV Filonenko, ...
Exp. Oncol 27, 186-190, 2005
Interaction of serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5 with the protein products of tumour suppressor gene Tsc2
OM Malanchuk, SS Palchevskyy, VK Pozur, IT Gout, VV Filonenko
Biopolymers and Cell 23 (4), 318-323, 2007
Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against tuberous sclerosis complex 2
O Malanchuk, S Palchevskyy, G Ovcharenko, J Gwalter, V Pozur, I Gout, ...
Hybridoma 26 (4), 259-266, 2007
Use of yeast two-hybrid system in search of S6K1 and S6K2 binding partners
OM Zhyvoloup, IO Nemazanyy, NV Pobigailo, GG Panasyuk, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 18 (2), 102-109, 2002
ВПЛИВ ТОЧКОВИХ МУТАЦІЙ І ДЕЛЕШЙ НА АКТИВНІСТЬ S6KI, S6K2 Kozma S. C, Wettenhall REH, Thomas G. The principal target of rapamycin-induced p70S6K inactivation is a novel …
ТЙ Вальовка, ВВ Філоненко, СС Пальчевський
EMBO J 21, 5279-5287, 1995
Dephosphorylation of tuberous sclerosis complex 2 by serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5
OM Malanchuk, SS Palchevskyy, VV Filonenko
Біополімери і клітина, 2008
Generation of monoclonal antibodies specific to ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
LO Savinska, OM Klipa, NO Demchuk, GV Ovcharenko, OM Malanchuk, ...
Вiopolymers and Cell, 2012
Використання дріжджової двогібридної системи для пошуку S6K1 та S6K2 зв'язуючих партнерів
ОМ Живолуп, ІО Немазаний, НВ Побігайло, ГГ Панасюк, ...
Биополимеры и клетка 18 (2), 102, 2002
Co-expression of the RPS6KB1 and PDPK1 genes for production of activated p70S6K1 using bac-to-bac baculovirus expression system
A Bdzhola, O Malanchuk, S Palchevskyi, I Gout, V Filonenko, A Zhyvoloup
Molecular Biology Reports 52 (1), 1-10, 2025
Generation of the MCF-7 cell sublines with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated disruption of estrogen receptor alfa (ESR1) expression
VVF L. O. Savinska1, S. A. Kvitchenko1,2, S. S. Palchevskyi1, I. V ...
Ukr.Biochem.J. 96 (6), 29-35, 2024
Investigating the Regulation of Ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase 1 by CoAlation
O Malanchuk, A Bdzhola, S Palchevskyi, V Bdzhola, P Chai, OE Pardo, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (16), 8747, 2024
Fibroblasts modulate the tumor cell motility and their mTOR/S6K1 phosphorylation status in vitro
NY Hotsuliak, VV Kosach, IO Tykhonkova, SS Palchevskii, ...
Biopolymers and Cell 35 (6), 417-426, 2019
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Articles 1–20