jim warwicker
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Cited by
Calculation of the electric potential in the active site cleft due to α-helix dipoles
J Warwicker, HC Watson
Journal of molecular biology 157 (4), 671-679, 1982
Protein–Sol: a web tool for predicting protein solubility from sequence
M Hebditch, MA Carballo-Amador, S Charonis, R Curtis, J Warwicker
Bioinformatics 33 (19), 3098-3100, 2017
The RACK1 scaffold protein: a dynamic cog in cell response mechanisms
A McCahill, J Warwicker, GB Bolger, MD Houslay, SJ Yarwood
Molecular pharmacology 62 (6), 1261-1273, 2002
Progress in the prediction of pKa values in proteins
E Alexov, EL Mehler, N Baker, A M. Baptista, Y Huang, F Milletti, ...
Proteins: structure, function, and bioinformatics 79 (12), 3260-3275, 2011
TAPAS-1, a novel microdomain within the unique N-terminal region of the PDE4A1 cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase that allows rapid, Ca2+-triggered membrane association with …
GS Baillie, E Huston, G Scotland, M Hodgkin, I Gall, AH Peden, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (31), 28298-28309, 2002
The role of electrostatics in protein–protein interactions of a monoclonal antibody
D Roberts, R Keeling, M Tracka, CF Van Der Walle, S Uddin, J Warwicker, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 11 (7), 2475-2489, 2014
Specific ion and buffer effects on protein–protein interactions of a monoclonal antibody
D Roberts, R Keeling, M Tracka, CF Van Der Walle, S Uddin, J Warwicker, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 12 (1), 179-193, 2015
Visualization of poly(ADP-ribose) bound to PARG reveals inherent balance between exo- and endo-glycohydrolase activities
E Barkauskaite, A Brassington, ES Tan, J Warwicker, MS Dunstan, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2164, 2013
Effect of phosphorylation on α-helix stability as a function of position
CD Andrew, J Warwicker, GR Jones, AJ Doig
Biochemistry 41 (6), 1897-1905, 2002
Buried charged surface in proteins
T Kajander, PC Kahn, SH Passila, DC Cohen, L Lehtiö, W Adolfsen, ...
Structure 8 (11), 1203-1214, 2000
Side‐chain conformational entropy at protein–protein interfaces
C Cole, J Warwicker
Protein Science 11 (12), 2860-2870, 2002
Charged residues next to transmembrane regions revisited:“Positive-inside rule” is complemented by the “negative inside depletion/outside enrichment rule”
JA Baker, WC Wong, B Eisenhaber, J Warwicker, F Eisenhaber
BMC biology 15, 1-29, 2017
Soluble expression of proteins correlates with a lack of positively-charged surface
P Chan, RA Curtis, J Warwicker
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3333, 2013
Improved pKa calculations through flexibility based sampling of a water‐dominated interaction scheme
J Warwicker
Protein Science 13 (10), 2793-2805, 2004
Simplified methods for pKa and acid pH-dependent stability estimation in proteins: removing dielectric and counterion boundaries
J Warwicker
Protein science 8 (2), 418-425, 1999
Web-based display of protein surface and pH-dependent properties for assessing the developability of biotherapeutics
M Hebditch, J Warwicker
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1969, 2019
A molecular model for the redox potential difference between thioredoxin and DsbA, based on electrostatics calculations
PJ Gane, RB Freedman, J Warwicker
Journal of molecular biology 249 (2), 376-387, 1995
Electrostatic calculations and model‐building suggest that DNA bound to CAP is sharply bent
J Warwicker, BP Engelman, TA Steitz
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2 (4), 283-289, 1987
Electrostatic field of the large fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I
J Warwicker, D Ollis, FM Richards, TA Steitz
Journal of molecular biology 186 (3), 645-649, 1985
A quantitative molecular model for modulation of mammalian translation by the eIF4E-binding protein 1
MM Karim, JMX Hughes, J Warwicker, GC Scheper, CG Proud, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (23), 20750-20757, 2001
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Articles 1–20