Tao Shi
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Cited by
Quantum-state transfer via the ferromagnetic chain in a spatially modulated field
T Shi, Y Li, Z Song, CP Sun
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 032309, 2005
Multiphoton-scattering theory and generalized master equations
T Shi, DE Chang, JI Cirac
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053834, 2015
Quantum dynamics of propagating photons with strong interactions: a generalized input–output formalism
T Caneva, MT Manzoni, T Shi, JS Douglas, JI Cirac, DE Chang
New Journal of Physics 17 (11), 113001, 2015
Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann reduction approach to multiphoton scattering in coupled-resonator arrays
T Shi, CP Sun
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205111, 2009
Two-photon transport in a waveguide coupled to a cavity in a two-level system
T Shi, S Fan, CP Sun
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063803, 2011
Quantum-state transmission via a spin ladder as a robust data bus
Y Li, T Shi, B Chen, Z Song, CP Sun
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (2), 022301, 2005
Analogue quantum chemistry simulation
J Argüello-Luengo, A González-Tudela, T Shi, P Zoller, JI Cirac
Nature 574 (7777), 215-218, 2019
Bound states in boson impurity models
T Shi, YH Wu, A González-Tudela, JI Cirac
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021027, 2016
Multistability of electromagnetically induced transparency in atom-assisted optomechanical cavities
Y Chang, T Shi, Y Liu, CP Sun, F Nori
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (6), 063826, 2011
Variational study of fermionic and bosonic systems with non-Gaussian states: Theory and applications
T Shi, E Demler, JI Cirac
Annals of Physics 390, 245-302, 2018
Geometry of variational methods: dynamics of closed quantum systems
L Hackl, T Guaita, T Shi, J Haegeman, E Demler, JI Cirac
SciPost Physics 9 (4), 048, 2020
Variational study of U(1) and SU(2) lattice gauge theories with Gaussian states in dimensions
P Sala, T Shi, S Kühn, MC Banuls, E Demler, JI Cirac
Physical Review D 98 (3), 034505, 2018
Controlling single-photon transport in waveguides with finite cross section
JF Huang, T Shi, CP Sun, F Nori
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013836, 2013
Phonon-mediated long-range attractive interaction in one-dimensional cuprates
Y Wang, Z Chen, T Shi, B Moritz, ZX Shen, TP Devereaux
Physical Review Letters 127 (19), 197003, 2021
Non-Abelian parton fractional quantum Hall effect in multilayer graphene
YH Wu, T Shi, JK Jain
Nano Letters 17 (8), 4643-4647, 2017
Higgs-mediated optical amplification in a nonequilibrium superconductor
M Buzzi, G Jotzu, A Cavalleri, JI Cirac, EA Demler, BI Halperin, MD Lukin, ...
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011055, 2021
Ultrastrong coupling few-photon scattering theory
T Shi, Y Chang, JJ García-Ripoll
Physical Review Letters 120 (15), 153602, 2018
Two-photon transport through a waveguide coupling to a whispering-gallery resonator containing an atom and photon-blockade effect
T Shi, S Fan
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 063818, 2013
Exploring the anisotropic Kondo model in and out of equilibrium with alkaline-earth atoms
M Kanász-Nagy, Y Ashida, T Shi, CP Moca, TN Ikeda, S Fölling, JI Cirac, ...
Physical Review B 97 (15), 155156, 2018
Zero-temperature phases of the two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model: A non-Gaussian exact diagonalization study
Y Wang, I Esterlis, T Shi, JI Cirac, E Demler
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043258, 2020
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Articles 1–20