Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Professor of Chemistry at Wuhan University of Techonology
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Cited by
The BioFragment Database (BFDb): An open-data platform for computational chemistry analysis of noncovalent interactions
LA Burns, JC Faver, Z Zheng, MS Marshall, DGA Smith, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 161727, 2017
A cascade reaction network mimicking the basic functional steps of adaptive immune response
HLWT Da Han, Cuichen Wu, Mingxu You, Tao Zhang, Shuo Wan, Tao Chen, Liping ...
Nature Chemistry, 2015
Development of the Knowledge-based & Empirical Combined Scoring Algorithm (KECSA) to Score Protein-Ligand Interactions.
KMM Zheng Zheng
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 53 (5), 1073–1083, 2013
Ligand identification scoring algorithm (LISA)
J Zheng Zheng, Kenneth M. Merz
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 51 (6), 1296–1306, 2011
Model for the fast estimation of basis set superposition error in biomolecular systems
KMMJ John C Faver, Zheng Zheng
The Journal of Chemical Physics 135 (14), 144110, 2011
DJ-1 interacts with RACK1 and protects neurons from oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis
J Ma, R Wu, Q Zhang, J Wu, J Lou, Z Zheng, J Ding, Z Yuan
Biochemical Journal 462 (3), 489-497, 2014
The movable type method applied to protein–ligand binding
Z Zheng, MN Ucisik, KM Merz
Journal of chemical theory and computation 9 (12), 5526-5538, 2013
Bringing Clarity to the Prediction of Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energies via "Blurring"
KMM Melek N Ucisik, Zheng Zheng, John C Faver
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (3), 1314-1325, 2014
Prediction of trypsin/molecular fragment binding affinities by free energy decomposition and empirical scores
KMMJ Mark L Benson, John C Faver, Melek N Ucisik, Danial S Dashti, Zheng Zheng
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 26 (5), 647-659, 2012
On the fly estimation of host–guest binding free energies using the movable type method: participation in the SAMPL5 blind challenge
N Bansal, Z Zheng, D Cerutti, K Merz
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 2016
The Role of the Active Site Flap in Streptavidin/Biotin Complex Formation
KMM Nupur Bansal, Zheng Zheng, Lin Frank Song, Jun Pei
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018
GA; Vanommeslaeghe, K.; MacKerell, AD; Merz, KM; Sherrill, CD The BioFragment Database (BFDb): An open-data platform for computational chemistry analysis of noncovalent …
LA Burns, JC Faver, Z Zheng, MS Marshall, D Smith
J. Chem. Phys 147 (16), 161727, 2017
KECSA-Movable Type Implicit Solvation Model (KMTISM)
Z Zheng, W Ting, L Pengfei, J Kenneth, M. Merz
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2014
Detailed potential of mean force studies on host–guest systems from the SAMPL6 challenge
LF Song, N Bansal, Z Zheng, KM Merz
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 32, 1013-1026, 2018
Free Energy-Based Conformational Search Algorithm Using the Movable Type Sampling Method
KMMJ Li-Li Pan, Zheng Zheng, Ting Wang
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2015
Random forest refinement of pairwise potentials for protein–ligand decoy detection
J Pei, Z Zheng, H Kim, LF Song, S Walworth, MR Merz, KM Merz Jr
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 59 (7), 3305-3315, 2019
Statistics-based model for basis set superposition error correction in large biomolecules
KMM John C Faver, Zheng Zheng
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (21), 7795-7799, 2012
Generation of pairwise potentials using multidimensional data mining
Z Zheng, J Pei, N Bansal, H Liu, LF Song, KM Merz Jr
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 14 (10), 5045-5067, 2018
Free Energy Calculations Using the Movable Type Method with Molecular Dynamics Driven Protein–Ligand Sampling
W Liu, Z Liu, H Liu, L Westerhoff, Z Zheng
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2022
Random Forest Refinement of the KECSA2 Knowledge-based Scoring Function for Protein Decoy Detection
J Pei, Z Zheng, KM Merz
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2019
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Articles 1–20