Christophe Brun
Christophe Brun
Researcher at CNRS, Sorbonne University, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)
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Two-dimensional topological superconductivity in Pb/Co/Si (111)
GC Ménard, S Guissart, C Brun, RT Leriche, M Trif, F Debontridder, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2040, 2017
Coherent long-range magnetic bound states in a superconductor
GC Ménard, S Guissart, C Brun, S Pons, VS Stolyarov, F Debontridder, ...
Nature Physics 11 (12), 1013-1016, 2015
Remarkable effects of disorder on superconductivity of single atomic layers of lead on silicon
C Brun, T Cren, V Cherkez, F Debontridder, S Pons, LB Ioffe, BL Altshuler, ...
Nature Physics 10, 544, 2014
Reduction of the superconducting gap of ultrathin Pb islands grown on Si (111)
C Brun, IP Hong, F Patthey, IY Sklyadneva, R Heid, PM Echenique, ...
Physical review letters 102 (20), 207002, 2009
Direct observation of Josephson vortex cores
D Roditchev, C Brun, L Serrier-Garcia, JC Cuevas, VHL Bessa, ...
Nature Physics 11 (4), 332-337, 2015
Review of 2D superconductivity: the ultimate case of epitaxial monolayers
C Brun, T Cren, D Roditchev
Superconductor Science and Technology 30 (1), 013003, 2017
Local work function changes determined by field emission resonances:
HC Ploigt, C Brun, M Pivetta, F Patthey, WD Schneider
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (19), 195404, 2007
Unconventional superconductivity in ultrathin superconducting NbN films studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
Y Noat, V Cherkez, C Brun, T Cren, C Carbillet, F Debontridder, K Ilin, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (1), 014503, 2013
Quasiparticle spectra of 2 H − NbSe 2 : Two-band superconductivity and the role of tunneling selectivity
Y Noat, JA Silva-Guillén, T Cren, V Cherkez, C Brun, S Pons, ...
Physical Review B 92 (13), 134510, 2015
Proximity effect between two superconductors spatially resolved by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
V Cherkez, JC Cuevas, C Brun, T Cren, G Ménard, F Debontridder, ...
Physical Review X 4 (1), 011033, 2014
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Study of the Proximity Effect<? format?> in a Disordered Two-Dimensional Metal
L Serrier-Garcia, JC Cuevas, T Cren, C Brun, V Cherkez, F Debontridder, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (15), 157003, 2013
Isolated pairs of Majorana zero modes in a disordered superconducting lead monolayer
GC Ménard, A Mesaros, C Brun, F Debontridder, D Roditchev, P Simon, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2587, 2019
Decay mechanisms of excited electrons in quantum-well states of ultrathin Pb islands grown on Si (111): Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and theory
IP Hong, C Brun, F Patthey, IY Sklyadneva, X Zubizarreta, R Heid, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (8), 081409, 2009
Dynamical Coulomb blockade observed in nanosized electrical contacts
C Brun, KH Müller, IP Hong, F Patthey, C Flindt, WD Schneider
Physical review letters 108 (12), 126802, 2012
Scanning-tunneling microscope imaging of single-electron solitons in a material with incommensurate charge-density waves
S Brazovskii, C Brun, ZZ Wang, P Monceau
Physical review letters 108 (9), 096801, 2012
Confinement of superconducting fluctuations due to emergent electronic inhomogeneities
C Carbillet, S Caprara, M Grilli, C Brun, T Cren, F Debontridder, ...
Physical Review B 93 (14), 144509, 2016
Scanning tunneling microscopy at the surface: Evidence for interaction between and charge density waves in the pinned regime
C Brun, ZZ Wang, P Monceau
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (4), 045423, 2009
Expansion of a superconducting vortex core into a diffusive metal
VS Stolyarov, T Cren, C Brun, IA Golovchanskiy, OV Skryabina, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2277, 2018
Spectroscopic evidence for strong correlations between local superconducting gap and local Altshuler-Aronov density of states suppression in ultrathin NbN films
C Carbillet, V Cherkez, MA Skvortsov, MV Feigel'Man, F Debontridder, ...
Physical Review B 102 (2), 024504, 2020
Local Josephson vortex generation and manipulation with a Magnetic Force Microscope
VV Dremov, SY Grebenchuk, AG Shishkin, DS Baranov, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4009, 2019
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Articles 1–20