Kamil Bojarczuk
Kamil Bojarczuk
University Medical Center Göttingen
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) as a prodrug in photodynamic therapy of cancer
M Wachowska, A Muchowicz, M Firczuk, M Gabrysiak, M Winiarska, ...
Molecules 16 (5), 4140-4164, 2011
Genomic analyses of flow-sorted Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg cells reveal complementary mechanisms of immune evasion
K Wienand, B Chapuy, C Stewart, AJ Dunford, D Wu, J Kim, A Kamburov, ...
Blood advances 3 (23), 4065-4080, 2019
BCR signaling inhibitors differ in their ability to overcome Mcl-1–mediated resistance of CLL B cells to ABT-199
K Bojarczuk, BK Sasi, S Gobessi, I Innocenti, G Pozzato, L Laurenti, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 127 (25), 3192-3201, 2016
Targeted inhibition of PI3Kα/δ is synergistic with BCL-2 blockade in genetically defined subtypes of DLBCL
K Bojarczuk, K Wienand, JA Ryan, L Chen, M Villalobos-Ortiz, E Mandato, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 133 (1), 70-80, 2019
B-cell receptor pathway inhibitors affect CD20 levels and impair antitumor activity of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies
K Bojarczuk, M Siernicka, M Dwojak, M Bobrowicz, B Pyrzynska, P Gaj, ...
Leukemia 28 (5), 1163-1167, 2014
HDACi–going through the mechanisms
M Wanczyk, K Roszczenko, K Marcinkiewicz, K Bojarczuk, M Kowara, ...
Front Biosci 16 (1), 340-359, 2011
Bortezomib modulates surface CD20 in B-cell malignancies and affects rituximab-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity
J Bil, M Winiarska, D Nowis, K Bojarczuk, A Dabrowska-Iwanicka, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 115 (18), 3745-3755, 2010
Approaches to improve photodynamic therapy of cancer
M Firczuk, M Winiarska, A Szokalska, M Jodlowska, M Swiech, ...
Front Biosci 16 (1), 208-24, 2011
HDAC6 inhibition upregulates CD20 levels and increases the efficacy of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies
M Bobrowicz, M Dwojak, B Pyrzynska, J Stachura, A Muchowicz, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 130 (14), 1628-1638, 2017
B-cell receptor signaling in the pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancies
K Bojarczuk, M Bobrowicz, M Dwojak, N Miazek, P Zapala, A Bunes, ...
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 55 (3), 255-265, 2015
FOXO1 promotes resistance of non-Hodgkin lymphomas to anti-CD20-based therapy
B Pyrzynska, M Dwojak, A Zerrouqi, G Morlino, P Zapala, N Miazek, ...
Oncoimmunology 7 (5), e1423183, 2018
The mutual interactions between mesenchymal stem cells and myoblasts in an autologous co-culture model
A Kulesza, A Burdzinska, I Szczepanska, W Zarychta-Wisniewska, ...
PLoS One 11 (8), e0161693, 2016
CXCR4 upregulation is an indicator of sensitivity to B-cell receptor/PI3K blockade and a potential resistance mechanism in B-cell receptor-dependent diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
L Chen, J Ouyang, K Wienand, K Bojarczuk, Y Hao, B Chapuy, ...
Haematologica 105 (5), 1361, 2019
Prenyltransferases regulate CD20 protein levels and influence anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody-mediated activation of complement-dependent cytotoxicity
M Winiarska, D Nowis, J Bil, E Glodkowska-Mrowka, A Muchowicz, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (38), 31983-31993, 2012
Inhibitors of SRC kinases impair antitumor activity of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies
M Winiarska, K Bojarczuk, B Pyrzynska, J Bil, M Siernicka, M Dwojak, ...
MAbs 6 (5), 1300-1313, 2014
Destruction of a microtubule-bound MYC reservoir during mitosis contributes to vincristine's anticancer activity
S Becker, C Kiecke, E Schäfer, U Sinzig, L Deuper, P Trigo-Mourino, ...
Molecular Cancer Research 18 (6), 859-872, 2020
Application of a proteomic approach to identify proteins associated with primary graft non-function after liver transplantation
O Kornasiewicz, K Bojarczuk, M Bugajski, J Golab, M Krawczyk
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 30 (4), 755-764, 2012
Sorafenib improves rituximab and ofatumumab efficacy by decreasing the expression of complement regulatory proteins
M Dwojak, M Bobrowicz, J Bil, K Bojarczuk, B Pyrzynska, M Siernicka, ...
Blood Cancer Journal 5 (4), e300-e300, 2015
Molecular classification of large B-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma
K Bojarczuk, K Wienand, B Chapuy
The Cancer Journal 26 (4), 357-361, 2020
Molecular classification of aggressive B-cell lymphoma
K Bojarczuk, B Chapuy
HemaSphere 3, 116-118, 2019
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