Nicholas Paul Gauthier
Nicholas Paul Gauthier
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Classification and risk stratification of invasive breast carcinomas using a real-time quantitative RT-PCR assay
L Perreard, C Fan, JF Quackenbush, M Mullins, NP Gauthier, E Nelson, ...
Breast Cancer Research 8, 1-11, 2006
Perturbation biology: inferring signaling networks in cellular systems
EJ Molinelli, A Korkut, W Wang, ML Miller, NP Gauthier, X Jing, P Kaushik, ...
PLoS computational biology 9 (12), e1003290, 2013
Inferring protein 3D structure from deep mutation scans
NJ Rollins, KP Brock, FJ Poelwijk, MA Stiffler, NP Gauthier, C Sander, ...
Nature genetics 51 (7), 1170-1176, 2019
Pan-cancer analysis of mutation hotspots in protein domains
ML Miller, E Reznik, NP Gauthier, BA Aksoy, A Korkut, J Gao, G Ciriello, ...
Cell systems 1 (3), 197-209, 2015
Cyclebase. org—a comprehensive multi-organism online database of cell-cycle experiments
NP Gauthier, ME Larsen, R Wernersson, U De Lichtenberg, LJ Jensen, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D854-D859, 2007
Agreement in breast cancer classification between microarray and quantitative reverse transcription PCR from fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
M Mullins, L Perreard, JF Quackenbush, N Gauthier, S Bayer, M Ellis, ...
Clinical chemistry 53 (7), 1273-1279, 2007
Cyclebase. org: version 2.0, an updated comprehensive, multi-species repository of cell cycle experiments and derived analysis results
NP Gauthier, LJ Jensen, R Wernersson, S Brunak, TS Jensen
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D699-D702, 2010
TRIM3, a tumor suppressor linked to regulation of p21Waf1/Cip1
Y Liu, R Raheja, N Yeh, D Ciznadija, AM Pedraza, T Ozawa, ...
Oncogene 33 (3), 308-315, 2014
Cell-selective labeling using amino acid precursors for proteomic studies of multicellular environments
NP Gauthier, B Soufi, WE Walkowicz, VA Pedicord, KJ Mavrakis, B Macek, ...
nAture methods 10 (8), 768-773, 2013
Protein structure from experimental evolution
MA Stiffler, FJ Poelwijk, KP Brock, RR Stein, A Riesselman, J Teyra, ...
Cell Systems 10 (1), 15-24. e5, 2020
MutationAligner: a resource of recurrent mutation hotspots in protein domains in cancer
NP Gauthier, E Reznik, J Gao, SO Sumer, N Schultz, C Sander, ML Miller
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D986-D991, 2016
Perturbation biology links temporal protein changes to drug responses in a melanoma cell line
E Nyman, RR Stein, X Jing, W Wang, B Marks, IK Zervantonakis, A Korkut, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (7), e1007909, 2020
Systems pharmacology using mass spectrometry identifies critical response nodes in prostate cancer
HA Ebhardt, A Root, Y Liu, NP Gauthier, C Sander, R Aebersold
NPJ systems biology and applications 4 (1), 26, 2018
AlignmentViewer: sequence analysis of large protein families
R Reguant, Y Antipin, R Sheridan, C Dallago, D Diamantoukos, A Luna, ...
F1000Research 9, 2020
Simultaneous enhancement of multiple functional properties using evolution-informed protein design
B Fram, Y Su, I Truebridge, AJ Riesselman, JB Ingraham, A Passera, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 5141, 2024
Deep learning prediction of enzyme optimum pH
JE Gado, M Knotts, AY Shaw, D Marks, NP Gauthier, C Sander, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 22.544776, 2023
3D protein structure from genetic epistasis experiments
NJ Rollins, KP Brock, FJ Poelwijk, MA Stiffler, NP Gauthier, C Sander, ...
bioRxiv, 320721, 2018
Protein profiling in cancer cell lines and tumor tissue using reverse phase protein arrays
X Jing, W Wang, NP Gauthier, P Kaushik, A Root, RR Stein, A Korkut, ...
bioRxiv, 144535, 2017
Protein Domain Hotspots Reveal Functional Mutations across Genes in Cancer
ML Miller, E Reznik, NP Gauthier, BA Aksoy, A Korkut, J Gao, G Ciriello, ...
bioRxiv, 015719, 2015
Enabling high-throughput enzyme discovery and engineering with a low-cost, robot-assisted pipeline
B Norton-Baker, MCR Denton, NP Murphy, B Fram, S Lim, E Erickson, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 14449, 2024
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