Antonio Pertusa
Cited by
Cited by
Padchest: A large chest x-ray image dataset with multi-label annotated reports
A Bustos, A Pertusa, JM Salinas, M De La Iglesia-Vaya
Medical image analysis 66, 101797, 2020
BIMCV COVID-19+: a large annotated dataset of RX and CT images from COVID-19 patients
MDLI Vayá, JM Saborit, JA Montell, A Pertusa, A Bustos, M Cazorla, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.01174, 2020
Automatic ship classification from optical aerial images with convolutional neural networks
AJ Gallego, A Pertusa, P Gil
Remote Sensing 10 (4), 511, 2018
Improving Genre Classification by Combination of Audio and Symbolic Descriptors Using a Transcription System
T Lidy, A Rauber, A Pertusa, JMI Quereda
ISMIR, 61-66, 2007
Two-stage convolutional neural network for ship and spill detection using SLAR images
M Nieto-Hidalgo, AJ Gallego, P Gil, A Pertusa
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 56 (9), 5217-5230, 2018
Multiple fundamental frequency estimation using Gaussian smoothness
A Pertusa, JM Inesta
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
A Pattern Recognition Approach for Melody Track Selection in MIDI Files.
D Rizo, PJP de León, C Pérez-Sancho, A Pertusa, JMI Quereda
ISMIR, 61-66, 2006
Detection of bodies in maritime rescue operations using unmanned aerial vehicles with multispectral cameras
AJ Gallego, A Pertusa, P Gil, RB Fisher
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (4), 782-796, 2019
An End-to-end Framework for Audio-to-Score Music Transcription on Monophonic Excerpts.
MA Román, A Pertusa, J Calvo-Zaragoza
ISMIR, 34-41, 2018
End-to-End Optical Music Recognition Using Neural Networks
J Calvo-Zaragoza, JJ Valero-Mas, A Pertusa
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2017
A holistic approach to polyphonic music transcription with neural networks
MA Román, A Pertusa, J Calvo-Zaragoza
20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR …, 2019
Shallow parsing for Portuguese-Spanish machine translation
A Garrido Alenda, P Gilabert Zarco, JA Pérez-Ortiz, A Pertusa, ...
Edições Colibri, 2004
Staff-line detection and removal using a convolutional neural network
J Calvo-Zaragoza, A Pertusa, J Oncina
Machine Vision and Applications 28, 665-674, 2017
Segmentation of oil spills on side-looking airborne radar imagery with autoencoders
AJ Gallego, P Gil, A Pertusa, RB Fisher
Sensors 18 (3), 797, 2018
Combining audio and symbolic descriptors for music classification from audio
T Lidy, A Rauber, A Pertusa, J Inesta
Music Information Retrieval Information Exchange (MIREX), 2007
Performance-based interpreter identification in saxophone audio recordings
R Ramirez, E Maestre, A Pertusa, E Gomez, X Serra
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (3), 356-364, 2007
Improving convolutional neural networks’ accuracy in noisy environments using k-nearest neighbors
AJ Gallego, A Pertusa, J Calvo-Zaragoza
Applied Sciences 8 (11), 2086, 2018
Semantic segmentation of SLAR imagery with convolutional LSTM selectional autoencoders
AJ Gallego, P Gil, A Pertusa, RB Fisher
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1402, 2019
Data representations for audio-to-score monophonic music transcription
MA Román, A Pertusa, J Calvo-Zaragoza
Expert Systems with Applications 162, 113769, 2020
Learning eligibility in cancer clinical trials using deep neural networks
A Bustos, A Pertusa
Applied Sciences 8 (7), 1206, 2018
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Articles 1–20