Julia Widom
Julia Widom
Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
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Cited by
Coherent two-dimensional photocurrent spectroscopy in a PbS quantum dot photocell
KJ Karki, JR Widom, J Seibt, I Moody, MC Lonergan, T Pullerits, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 5869, 2014
Conformation of self-assembled porphyrin dimers in liposome vesicles by phase-modulation 2D fluorescence spectroscopy
GA Lott, A Perdomo-Ortiz, JK Utterback, JR Widom, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (40), 16521-16526, 2011
Entangled photon-pair two-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy (EPP-2DFS)
MG Raymer, AH Marcus, JR Widom, DLP Vitullo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (49), 15559-15575, 2013
Compressed sensing for multidimensional spectroscopy experiments
JN Sanders, SK Saikin, S Mostame, X Andrade, JR Widom, AH Marcus, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (18), 2697-2702, 2012
Life under the microscope: single-molecule fluorescence highlights the RNA world
S Ray, JR Widom, NG Walter
Chemical reviews 118 (8), 4120-4155, 2018
Ligand modulates cross-coupling between riboswitch folding and transcriptional pausing
JR Widom, YA Nedialkov, V Rai, RL Hayes, CL Brooks, I Artsimovitch, ...
Molecular cell 72 (3), 541-552. e6, 2018
Temperature-dependent conformations of exciton-coupled Cy3 dimers in double-stranded DNA
L Kringle, NPD Sawaya, J Widom, C Adams, MG Raymer, A Aspuru-Guzik, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 148 (8), 2018
Solution conformation of 2-aminopurine dinucleotide determined by ultraviolet two-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy
JR Widom, NP Johnson, PH von Hippel, AH Marcus
New journal of physics 15 (2), 025028, 2013
Design and mechanism of tetrahydrothiophene-based γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase inactivators
HV Le, DD Hawker, R Wu, E Doud, J Widom, R Sanishvili, D Liu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (13), 4525-4533, 2015
Temperature-dependent conformations of a membrane supported zinc porphyrin tweezer by 2D fluorescence spectroscopy
JR Widom, W Lee, A Perdomo-Ortiz, D Rappoport, TF Molinski, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (29), 6171-6184, 2013
Single-molecule tools for enzymology, structural biology, systems biology and nanotechnology: an update
JR Widom, S Dhakal, LA Heinicke, NG Walter
Archives of toxicology 88, 1965-1985, 2014
Soft interactions with model crowders and non-canonical interactions with cellular proteins stabilize RNA folding
M Daher, JR Widom, W Tay, NG Walter
Journal of molecular biology 430 (4), 509-523, 2018
An anionic ligand snap-locks a long-range interaction in a magnesium-folded riboswitch
R Yadav, JR Widom, A Chauvier, NG Walter
Nature Communications 13 (1), 207, 2022
Synthesis and biological evaluation of inhibitors of botulinum neurotoxin metalloprotease
C Wang, J Widom, F Petronijevic, JC Burnett, JE Nuss, S Bavari, R Gussio, ...
Heterocycles 79 (1), 487-520, 2009
Digital cavities and their potential applications
K Karki, M Torbjörnsson, JR Widom, AH Marcus, T Pullerits
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (05), T05005, 2013
Electronic transition moments of 6-methyl isoxanthopterin—a fluorescent analogue of the nucleic acid base guanine
JR Widom, D Rappoport, A Perdomo-Ortiz, H Thomsen, NP Johnson, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (2), 995-1004, 2013
Versatile transcription control based on reversible dCas9 binding
JR Widom, V Rai, CE Rohlman, NG Walter
Rna 25 (11), 1457-1469, 2019
Single-molecule pull-down FRET to dissect the mechanisms of biomolecular machines
ML Kahlscheuer, J Widom, NG Walter
Methods in enzymology 558, 539-570, 2015
Probing and perturbing riboswitch folding using a fluorescent base analogue
JE Hoeher, NE Sande, JR Widom
Photochemistry and Photobiology 100 (2), 419-433, 2024
Base-stacking heterogeneity in RNA resolved by fluorescence-detected circular dichroism spectroscopy
JR Widom, JE Hoeher
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (34), 8010-8018, 2022
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Articles 1–20