Rui Santos
Cited by
Cited by
Selective laser melting (SLM) and topology optimization for lighter aerospace componentes
M Seabra, J Azevedo, A Araújo, L Reis, E Pinto, N Alves, R Santos, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 1, 289-296, 2016
Melhoramento do maracujazeiro-amarelo: obtenção do cultivar'COMPOSTO IAC-27'
LMM Meletti, RR Santos, K Minami
Scientia Agricola 57, 491-498, 2000
The influence of ultrasound on the retention of cast posts cemented with different agents
APM Gomes, CH Kubo, RAB Santos, DR Santos, RQ Padilha
International Endodontic Journal 34 (2), 93-99, 2001
2DPHOT: a multi-purpose environment for the two-dimensional analysis of wide-field images
F La Barbera, RR De Carvalho, JL Kohl-Moreira, RR Gal, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 120 (868), 681, 2008
Effect of galactooligosaccharide addition on the physical, optical, and sensory acceptance of vanilla ice cream
CF Balthazar, HLA Silva, RMS Celeguini, R Santos, GM Pastore, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (7), 4266-4272, 2015
Tissue distribution of a plasmid DNA encoding Hsp65 gene is dependent on the dose administered through intramuscular delivery
AAM Coelho-Castelo, AP Trombone, RS Rosada, RR Santos, ...
Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 4, 1-10, 2006
Caracterização fenológica da videira'Niagara Rosada'em diferentes regiões paulistas
MJ Pedro Jr, PC Sentelhas, CV Pommer, FP Martins, PB Gallo, ...
Bragantia 52, 153-160, 1993
Multi-level hierarchical scheduling in ethernet switches
R Santos, M Behnam, T Nolte, P Pedreiras, L Almeida
Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2011
Enhanced Ethernet switching technology for adaptive hard real-time applications
RGV dos Santos
PQDT-Global, 2011
Sociogénese do latifundismo moderno: Mercados, crises e mudança social na região de Évora, séculos XVII a XIX
R Santos
Temperatura-base e graus-dia para cultivares de girassol
PC Sentelhas, SSS Nogueira, MJ PEDRO JÚNIOR, RR Santos
Revista Brasileira de Agrometeorologia 2 (1), 43-49, 1994
Biliary tract complications after orthotopic liver transplantation in adult patients
A Fleck Jr, ML Zanotelli, M Meine, A Brandao, I Leipnitz, E Schlindwein, ...
Transplantation proceedings 34 (2), 519-520, 2002
Criticality-aware scrubbing mechanism for SRAM-based FPGAs
R Santos, S Venkataraman, A Das, A Kumar
2014 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2014
A synthesizable ethernet switch with enhanced real-time features
R Santos, R Marau, A Vieira, P Pedreiras, A Oliveira, L Almeida
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2817-2824, 2009
Composição mineral de frutos tropicais na colheita
R Hiroce, AM De Carvalho, OC Bataglia, PR Furlani, ÂMC Furlani, ...
Bragantia 36, 155-164, 1977
Planning and scheduling efficient heavy rail track maintenance through a Decision Rules Model
R Santos, PF Teixeira, AP Antunes
Research in Transportation Economics 54, 20-32, 2015
Designing a costumized Ethernet switch for safe hard real-time communication
R Santos, R Marau, A Oliveira, P Pedreiras, L Almeida
2008 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 169-177, 2008
Dynamically Adaptive Scrubbing Mechanism for Improved Reliability in Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
R Santos, S Venkataraman, A Kumar
52nd Annual Design Automation Conference, 2015
Enhanced primary production over seamounts: a numerical study
H Coelho, R Santos
Thalassas 19 (2a), 144-145, 2003
Trigo duro: tolerância à toxicidade do alumínio em soluções nutritivas e no solo
CEO Camargo, RR Santos, A Pettinelli Júnior
Bragantia 51, 69-76, 1992
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Articles 1–20