Mary Anne White
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Cited by
Zeolite-Confined Nano-RuO2:  A Green, Selective, and Efficient Catalyst for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation
BZ Zhan, MA White, TK Sham, JA Pincock, RJ Doucet, KVR Rao, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (8), 2195-2199, 2003
Alkylammonium lead halides. Part 2. CH3NH3PbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) perovskites: cuboctahedral halide cages with isotropic cation reorientation
O Knop, RE Wasylishen, MA White, TS Cameron, MJMV Oort
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 68 (3), 412-422, 1990
Understanding Thermoelectric Properties from High-Throughput Calculations: Trends, Insights, and Comparisons with Experiment
W Chen, JH Pöhls, G Hautier, D Broberg, S Bajaj, U Aydemir, ZM Gibbs, ...
J. Mater. Chem 4 (20), 4414-4426, 2016
Control of particle size and surface properties of crystals of NaX zeolite
BZ Zhan, MA White, M Lumsden, J Mueller-Neuhaus, KN Robertson, ...
Chemistry of Materials 14 (9), 3636-3642, 2002
Thermochromism in commercial products
MA White, M LeBlanc
Journal of chemical education 76 (9), 1201, 1999
Origin of glassy crystalline behavior in the thermal properties of clathrate hydrates: a thermal conductivity study of tetrahydrofuran hydrate
JS Tse, MA White
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 92 (17), 5006-5011, 1988
A comprehensive study of properties of paraffin phase change materials for solar thermal energy storage and thermal management applications
S Kahwaji, MB Johnson, AC Kheirabadi, D Groulx, MA White
Energy 162, 1169-1182, 2018
Cement: Its chemistry and properties
DC MacLaren, MA White
Journal of Chemical Education 80 (6), 623, 2003
Properties of materials
MA White
(No Title), 1999
High thermal conductivities of carbon nanotube films and micro-fibres and their dependence on morphology
TS Gspann, SM Juckes, JF Niven, MB Johnson, JA Elliott, MA White, ...
Carbon 114, 160-168, 2017
Thermal and electrical conductivity of array-spun multi-walled carbon nanotube yarns
MB Jakubinek, MB Johnson, MA White, C Jayasinghe, G Li, W Cho, ...
Carbon 50 (1), 244-248, 2012
Thermal and electrical conductivity of tall, vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays
MB Jakubinek, MA White, G Li, C Jayasinghe, W Cho, MJ Schulz, ...
Carbon 48 (13), 3947-3952, 2010
Achieving zT > 1 in Inexpensive Zintl Phase Ca9Zn4+xSb9 by Phase Boundary Mapping
S Ohno, U Aydemir, M Amsler, JH Pöhls, S Chanakian, A Zevalkink, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (20), 1606361, 2017
Dye–developer interactions in the crystal violet lactone–lauryl gallate binary system: implications for thermochromism
DC MacLaren, MA White
Journal of Materials Chemistry 13 (7), 1695-1700, 2003
Fatty acids and related phase change materials for reliable thermal energy storage at moderate temperatures
S Kahwaji, MB Johnson, AC Kheirabadi, D Groulx, MA White
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 167, 109-120, 2017
Correlation between AO6 Polyhedral Distortion and Negative Thermal Expansion in Orthorhombic Y2Mo3O12 and Related Materials
BA Marinkovic, M Ari, RR de Avillez, F Rizzo, FF Ferreira, KJ Miller, ...
Chemistry of materials 21 (13), 2886-2894, 2009
Design rules for reversible thermochromic mixtures
DC MacLaren, MA White
Journal of materials science 40, 669-676, 2005
Enhanced stability and thermoelectric figure-of-merit in copper selenide by lithium doping
SD Kang, JH Pöhls, U Aydemir, P Qiu, CC Stoumpos, R Hanus, MA White, ...
Materials Today Physics 1, 7-13, 2017
Computational and experimental investigation of TmAgTe 2 and XYZ 2 compounds, a new group of thermoelectric materials identified by first-principles high-throughput screening
H Zhu, G Hautier, U Aydemir, ZM Gibbs, G Li, S Bajaj, JH Pöhls, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (40), 10554-10565, 2015
Structural principles and amorphouslike thermal conductivity of Na-doped Si clathrates
JS Tse, K Uehara, R Rousseau, A Ker, CI Ratcliffe, MA White, G MacKay
Physical Review Letters 85 (1), 114, 2000
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