Lisa Brunetti
Lisa Brunetti
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A unification of focus
L Brunetti
Unipress, 2004
On links and tails in Italian
L Brunetti
Lingua 119 (5), 756-781, 2009
Annotation guidelines for questions under discussion and information structure
A Riester, L Brunetti, K De Kuthy
Information structure in lesser-described languages: Studies in prosody and …, 2018
Discourse functions of fronted foci in Italian and Spanish
L Brunetti
Focus and background in Romance languages, 43-81, 2009
Information focus movement in Italian and contextual constraints on ellipsis
L Brunetti
Proceedings of 22nd West Conference on Formal Linguistics, 95-108, 2003
On the semantic and contextual factors that determine topic selection in Italian and Spanish
L Brunetti
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 26 (2-3), 261-289, 2009
Entre syntaxe, prosodie et discours: les topiques sujets en français parlé
L Brunetti, M Avanzi, C Gendrot
SHS Web of Conferences 1, 2041-2054, 2012
A multilingual annotated corpus for the study of Information Structure 1
L Brunetti, S Bott, J Costa, E Vallduví
Grammatik und Korpora 2009. Dritte internationale Konferenz, Mannheim, 22 …, 2011
Is there any difference between contrastive focus and information focus?
L Brunetti
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 7, 53-69, 2003
On the prosodic marking of contrast in Romance sentence topic: evidence from Neapolitan Italian
L Brunetti, M D'Imperio, F Cangemi
Proceedings of International Conference on Speech Prosody, 1-4, 2010
On the pragmatics of post focal material in Italian (left peripheral focus looked at from the other side)
L Brunetti
Les Linguistiques du Détachement. Actes du Colloque International de Nancy …, 2009
Italian background: links, tails, and contrast effects
L Brunetti
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Logic and Language, Research Inst. for …, 2006
French reason-comment'how questions
L Brunetti, H Yoo, LM Tovena, R Albar
Expressive meaning across linguistic levels and frameworks, 248, 2021
Extra-Sentential Elements, Prosodic Restructuring, and Information Structure. A Study of Clitic-Left Dislocation in Spontaneous French
M Avanzi, L Brunetti, C Gendrot
Speech Prosody 2012, Sixth International Conference, 2012
Are there two distinct Foci in Italian?
L Brunetti
Southwest Journal of Linguistics 23 (2), 1-33, 2004
French questions alternating between a reason and a manner interpretation
L Brunetti, LM Tovena, H Yoo
Linguistics Vanguard 8 (s2), 227-237, 2022
NOCANDO: A multilingual annotated corpus for the study of information structure
L Brunetti, S Bott, J Costa, E Vallduví
fifth Corpus Linguistics Conference, University of Liverpool, 20-23, 2009
The phonetics and phonology of contrastive topic constructions in Italian
M D’Imperio, F Cangemi, L Brunetti
Poster, TIE3, University of Lisbon, 2008
The Information-Structural Status of Adjuncts: A Question-under-Discussion-Based Approach
L Brunetti, K De Kuthy, A Riester
Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique. A …, 2021
Bridging strength, monotonicity, and word order choices in Catalan
L Brunetti, L Mayol, X Villalba
Discourse Processes 57 (8), 703-724, 2020
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Articles 1–20