An inter‐laboratory evaluation of OD‐3 zircon for use as a secondary U–Pb dating standard H Iwano, Y Orihashi, T Hirata, M Ogasawara, T Danhara, K Horie, ... Island Arc 22 (3), 382-394, 2013 | 227 | 2013 |
Fission-track age calibration using internal and external surfaces of zircon. 檀原徹, 糟谷正雄, 岩野英樹, 山下透 地質学雑誌 97 (12), 977-985, 1991 | 171 | 1991 |
An improved system for measuring refractive index using the thermal immersion method T Danhara, T Yamashita, H Iwano, M Kasuya Quaternary International 13, 89-91, 1992 | 138 | 1992 |
A new approach for constraining the magnitude of initial disequilibrium in Quaternary zircons by coupled uranium and thorium decay series dating S Sakata, S Hirakawa, H Iwano, T Danhara, M Guillong, T Hirata Quaternary Geochronology 38, 1-12, 2017 | 92 | 2017 |
Zeta calibration values for fission track dating with a diallyl phthalate detector T Danhara, H Iwano, T Yoshioka, T Tsuruta The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 109 (11), 665-668, 2003 | 91 | 2003 |
Age control of the first appearance datum for Javanese Homo erectus in the Sangiran area S Matsu’ura, M Kondo, T Danhara, S Sakata, H Iwano, T Hirata, ... Science 367 (6474), 210-214, 2020 | 84 | 2020 |
Determination of U–Pb ages for young zircons using laser ablation‐ICP‐mass spectrometry coupled with an ion detection attenuator device S Sakata, K Hattori, H Iwano, TD Yokoyama, T Danhara, T Hirata Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 38 (4), 409-420, 2014 | 78 | 2014 |
Evaluation of fission-track and U-Pb double dating method for identical zircon grains. Using homogeneous zircon grains in Kawamoto Granodiorite in Shimane prefecture, Japan H Iwano, T Danhara, Y Orihashi, T Hirata, M Ogasawara Chishitsugaku Zasshi 118, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
Rift‐related origin of the P aleoproterozoic K uncha F ormation, and cooling history of the K uncha nappe and T aplejung granites, eastern N epal L esser H imalaya: a … H Sakai, H Iwano, T Danhara, Y Takigami, SM Rai, BN Upreti, T Hirata Island Arc 22 (3), 338-360, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
同一ジルコン結晶を用いたフィッション・トラックと U-Pb ダブル年代測定法の評価− 島根県川本花崗閃緑岩中の均質ジルコンを用いて− 岩野英樹, 折橋裕二, 檀原徹, 平田岳史, 小笠原正継 地質学雑誌 118 (6), 365-375, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Tectonic reconstruction of batholith formation based on the spatiotemporal distribution of C retaceous–P aleogene granitic rocks in southwestern J apan K Iida, H Iwamori, Y Orihashi, T Park, YJ Jwa, ST Kwon, T Danhara, ... Island Arc 24 (2), 205-220, 2015 | 56 | 2015 |
Determination of zeta values for fission-track age calibration using thermal neutron irradiation at the JRR-3 reactor of JAEA, Japan T Danhara, H Iwano The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 115 (3), 141-145, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Geology of the summit limestone of Mount Qomolangma (Everest) and cooling history of the Yellow Band under the Qomolangma detachment H Sakai, M Sawada, Y Takigami, Y Orihashi, T Danhara, H Iwano, ... Island Arc 14 (4), 297-310, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Characterization of natural gases in Japan based on molecular and carbon isotope compositions A Waseda, H Iwano Geofluids 8 (4), 286-292, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Uplift of the Ou Backbone Range in Northeast Japan at around 10 Ma and its implication for the tectonic evolution of the eastern margin of Asia T Nakajima, T Danhara, H Iwano, K Chinzei Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 241 (1), 28-48, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
A re-investigation of the geometry factors for fission-track dating of apatite, sphene and zircon H Iwano, T Danhara Advances in Fission-Track Geochronology: A selection of papers presented at …, 1998 | 51 | 1998 |
A review of the present state of the absolute calibration for zircon fission track geochronometry using the external detector method T Danhara, H Iwano Island Arc 22 (3), 264-279, 2013 | 48 | 2013 |
Zircon sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb and fission‐track ages for gabbros and sheeted dykes of the Taitao ophiolite, Southern Chile, and their tectonic … R Anma, R Armstrong, T Danhara, Y Orihashi, H Iwano Island Arc 15 (1), 130-142, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |
Detrital zircon multi‐chronology, provenance, and low‐grade metamorphism of the C retaceous S himanto accretionary complex, eastern S hikoku, S outhwest J apan: T ectonic … H Hara, Y Nakamura, K Hara, T Kurihara, H Mori, H Iwano, T Danhara, ... Island Arc 26 (6), e12218, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Spontaneous fission decay constant of 238U determined by SSNTD method using CR-39 and DAP plates T Yoshioka, T Tsuruta, H Iwano, T Danhara Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |