Gian-Marco Rignanese
Gian-Marco Rignanese
Directeur de Recherches F.R.S.-FNRS / Professeur UCLouvain
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First-principles computation of material properties: the ABINIT software project
X Gonze, JM Beuken, R Caracas, F Detraux, M Fuchs, GM Rignanese, ...
Computational Materials Science 25 (3), 478-492, 2002
ABINIT: First-principles approach to material and nanosystem properties
X Gonze, B Amadon, PM Anglade, JM Beuken, F Bottin, P Boulanger, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (12), 2582-2615, 2009
A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package
X Gonze
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 220 (5-6), 558-562, 2005
The PseudoDojo: Training and grading a 85 element optimized norm-conserving pseudopotential table
MJ Van Setten, M Giantomassi, E Bousquet, MJ Verstraete, DR Hamann, ...
Computer Physics Communications 226, 39-54, 2018
Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids
K Lejaeghere, G Bihlmayer, T Björkman, P Blaha, S Blügel, V Blum, ...
Science 351 (6280), aad3000, 2016
Recent developments in the ABINIT software package
X Gonze, F Jollet, FA Araujo, D Adams, B Amadon, T Applencourt, ...
Computer physics communications 205, 106-131, 2016
Identification and design principles of low hole effective mass p-type transparent conducting oxides
G Hautier, A Miglio, G Ceder, GM Rignanese, X Gonze
Nature communications 4 (1), 2292, 2013
The ABINIT project: Impact, environment and recent developments
X Gonze, B Amadon, G Antonius, F Arnardi, L Baguet, JM Beuken, ...
Computer Physics Communications 248, 107042, 2020
FireWorks: a dynamic workflow system designed for high‐throughput applications
A Jain, SP Ong, W Chen, B Medasani, X Qu, M Kocher, M Brafman, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (17), 5037-5059, 2015
Hybrid exchange-correlation functional for accurate prediction of the electronic and structural properties of ferroelectric oxides
DI Bilc, R Orlando, R Shaltaf, GM Rignanese, J Íñiguez, P Ghosez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (16), 165107, 2008
First-principle studies of the lattice dynamics of crystals, and related properties
X Gonze, GM Rignanese, R Caracas
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-Crystalline Materials 220 (5-6), 458-472, 2005
ABINIT: Overview and focus on selected capabilities
AH Romero, DC Allan, B Amadon, G Antonius, T Applencourt, L Baguet, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (12), 2020
Accuracy of generalized gradient approximation functionals for density-functional perturbation theory calculations
L He, F Liu, G Hautier, MJT Oliveira, MAL Marques, FD Vila, JJ Rehr, ...
Physical Review B 89 (6), 064305, 2014
Low-dimensional transport and large thermoelectric power factors in bulk semiconductors by band engineering of highly directional electronic states
DI Bilc, G Hautier, D Waroquiers, GM Rignanese, P Ghosez
Physical review letters 114 (13), 136601, 2015
Electronic structure of carbon nanocones
JC Charlier, GM Rignanese
Physical Review Letters 86 (26), 5970, 2001
An ab initio electronic transport database for inorganic materials
F Ricci, W Chen, U Aydemir, GJ Snyder, GM Rignanese, A Jain, G Hautier
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-13, 2017
Nitrogen Incorporation at Interfaces: Relation between N Core-Level Shifts and Microscopic Structure
GM Rignanese, A Pasquarello, JC Charlier, X Gonze, R Car
Physical review letters 79 (25), 5174, 1997
High-throughput density-functional perturbation theory phonons for inorganic materials
G Petretto, S Dwaraknath, H PC Miranda, D Winston, M Giantomassi, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-12, 2018
Amorphization mechanism of SrIrO3 electrocatalyst: How oxygen redox initiates ionic diffusion and structural reorganization
G Wan, JW Freeland, J Kloppenburg, G Petretto, JN Nelson, DY Kuo, ...
Science advances 7 (2), eabc7323, 2021
Band Offsets at the Interface from Many-Body Perturbation Theory
R Shaltaf, GM Rignanese, X Gonze, F Giustino, A Pasquarello
Physical review letters 100 (18), 186401, 2008
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Articles 1–20