Towards a circular economy: The role of Dutch logistics industries and governments N Van Buren, M Demmers, R Van der Heijden, F Witlox Sustainability 8 (7), 647, 2016 | 692 | 2016 |
Metabolomics in the context of systems biology: bridging traditional Chinese medicine and molecular pharmacology M Wang, RJAN Lamers, HAAJ Korthout, JHJ van Nesselrooij, RF Witkamp, ... Phytotherapy Research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological
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An evaluation methodology for city logistics E Taniguchi, RECM Van Der Heijden Transport Reviews 20 (1), 65-90, 2000 | 356 | 2000 |
The role of analytical sciences in medical systems biology J van der Greef, P Stroobant, R van der Heijden Current opinion in chemical biology 8 (5), 559-565, 2004 | 336 | 2004 |
LC/MS analysis of stratum corneum lipids: ceramide profiling and discovery [S] J van Smeden, L Hoppel, R van der Heijden, T Hankemeier, RJ Vreeken, ... Journal of lipid research 52 (6), 1211-1221, 2011 | 304 | 2011 |
Analytical strategies in lipidomics and applications in disease biomarker discovery C Hu, R van der Heijden, M Wang, J van der Greef, T Hankemeier, G Xu Journal of Chromatography B 877 (26), 2836-2846, 2009 | 280 | 2009 |
Technical feasibility of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for road traffic safety M Lu, K Wevers, R Van Der Heijden Transportation Planning and Technology 28 (3), 167-187, 2005 | 270 | 2005 |
RPLC-ion-trap-FTMS method for lipid profiling of plasma: method validation and application to p53 mutant mouse model C Hu, J Van Dommelen, R Van Der Heijden, G Spijksma, TH Reijmers, ... Journal of proteome research 7 (11), 4982-4991, 2008 | 214 | 2008 |
Future implementation of mobility as a service (MaaS): Results of an international Delphi study P Jittrapirom, V Marchau, R van der Heijden, H Meurs Travel Behaviour and Society 21, 281-294, 2020 | 194 | 2020 |
Discovery of early-stage biomarkers for diabetic kidney disease using ms-based metabolomics (FinnDiane study) FM Van der Kloet, FWA Tempels, N Ismail, R Van der Heijden, PT Kasper, ... Metabolomics 8, 109-119, 2012 | 190 | 2012 |
Quality and safety of Chinese herbal medicines guided by a systems biology perspective J Wang, R Van Der Heijden, S Spruit, T Hankermeier, K Chan, ... Journal of Ethnopharmacology 126 (1), 31-41, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
The added value of Planning Support Systems: A practitioners perspective P Pelzer, S Geertman, R van der Heijden, E Rouwette Computers, environment and urban systems 48, 16-27, 2014 | 156 | 2014 |
Comparative transcriptional profiling and preliminary study on heterosis mechanism of super-hybrid rice GS Song, HL Zhai, YG Peng, L Zhang, G Wei, XY Chen, YG Xiao, L Wang, ... Molecular plant 3 (6), 1012-1025, 2010 | 147 | 2010 |
Dynamic adaptive policymaking for implementing Mobility-as-a Service (MaaS) P Jittrapirom, V Marchau, R van der Heijden, H Meurs Research in Transportation Business & Management 27, 46-55, 2018 | 142 | 2018 |
Recent methodology in the phytochemical analysis of ginseng N Angelova, HW Kong, R Van Der Heijden, SY Yang, YH Choi, HK Kim, ... Phytochemical Analysis: An International Journal of Plant Chemical and
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The choice of park and ride facilities: an analysis using a context-dependent hierarchical choice experiment IDM Bos, RECM Van der Heijden, EJE Molin, HJP Timmermans Environment and Planning A 36 (9), 1673-1686, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Understanding approaches to complexity and uncertainty in closed-loop supply chain management: Past findings and future directions J Coenen, RECM van Der Heijden, ACR van Riel Journal of cleaner production 201, 1-13, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
Towards heat-stable oxytocin formulations: analysis of degradation kinetics and identification of degradation products A Hawe, R Poole, S Romeijn, P Kasper, R van der Heijden, W Jiskoot Pharmaceutical research 26, 1679-1688, 2009 | 98 | 2009 |
Identification of glucosides in green beans of Vanilla planifolia Andrews and kinetics of vanilla β-glucosidase MJW Dignum, R van der Heijden, J Kerler, C Winkel, R Verpoorte Food Chemistry 85 (2), 199-205, 2004 | 93 | 2004 |
Systems toxicology study of doxorubicin on rats using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry based metabolomics J Wang, T Reijmers, L Chen, R Van Der Heijden, M Wang, S Peng, ... Metabolomics 5, 407-418, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |