Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux
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Objective comparison of particle tracking methods
N Chenouard, I Smal, F De Chaumont, M Maška, IF Sbalzarini, Y Gong, ...
Nature methods 11 (3), 281-289, 2014
eC-CLEM: flexible multidimensional registration software for correlative microscopies
P Paul-Gilloteaux, X Heiligenstein, M Belle, MC Domart, B Larijani, ...
Nature methods 14 (2), 102-103, 2017
Centrosome amplification causes microcephaly
BR Marthiens V, Rujano MA, Pennetier C, Tessier S
Nat Cell Biol. 15 (7), 731-740, 2013
Characterization of the motion of membrane proteins using high-speed atomic force microscopy
I Casuso, J Khao, M Chami, P Paul-Gilloteaux, M Husain, JP Duneau, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (8), 525-529, 2012
Endosomal WASH and exocyst complexes control exocytosis of MT1-MMP at invadopodia
P Monteiro, C Rossé, A Castro-Castro, M Irondelle, E Lagoutte, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 203 (6), 1063-1079, 2013
Recycling endosome tubule morphogenesis from sorting endosomes requires the kinesin motor KIF13A
C Delevoye, S Miserey-Lenkei, G Montagnac, F Gilles-Marsens, ...
Cell reports 6 (3), 445-454, 2014
The first world cell race
P Maiuri, E Terriac, P Paul-Gilloteaux, T Vignaud, K McNally, J Onuffer, ...
Current Biology 22 (17), R673-R675, 2012
Concomitant Notch activation and p53 deletion trigger epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis in mouse gut
M Chanrion, I Kuperstein, C Barrière, F El Marjou, D Cohen, D Vignjevic, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5005, 2014
ATAT1/MEC-17 acetyltransferase and HDAC6 deacetylase control a balance of acetylation of alpha-tubulin and cortactin and regulate MT1-MMP trafficking and breast tumor cell invasion
A Castro-Castro, C Janke, G Montagnac, P Paul-Gilloteaux, P Chavrier
European journal of cell biology 91 (11-12), 950-960, 2012
LINC complex-Lis1 interplay controls MT1-MMP matrix digest-on-demand response for confined tumor cell migration
E Infante, A Castagnino, R Ferrari, P Monteiro, S Agüera-González, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 2443, 2018
Fast high-resolution 3D total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy by incidence angle scanning and azimuthal averaging
J Boulanger, C Gueudry, D Münch, B Cinquin, P Paul-Gilloteaux, S Bardin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (48), 17164-17169, 2014
Control of MT1-MMP transport by atypical PKC during breast-cancer progression
C Rossé, C Lodillinsky, L Fuhrmann, M Nourieh, P Monteiro, M Irondelle, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (18), E1872-E1879, 2014
3D correlative cryo-structured illumination fluorescence and soft X-ray microscopy elucidates reovirus intracellular release pathway
I Kounatidis, ML Stanifer, MA Phillips, P Paul-Gilloteaux, X Heiligenstein, ...
Cell 182 (2), 515-530. e17, 2020
Correlated multimodal imaging in life sciences: expanding the biomedical horizon
A Walter, P Paul-Gilloteaux, B Plochberger, L Sefc, P Verkade, ...
Frontiers in Physics 8, 47, 2020
REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images—enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology
U Sarkans, W Chiu, L Collinson, MC Darrow, J Ellenberg, D Grunwald, ...
Nature methods 18 (12), 1418-1422, 2021
Augmented virtuality based on stereoscopic reconstruction in multimodal image-guided neurosurgery: methods and performance evaluation
P Paul, O Fleig, P Jannin
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 24 (11), 1500-1511, 2005
Human motor thalamus reconstructed in 3D from continuous sagittal sections with identified subcortical afferent territories
I Ilinsky, A Horn, P Paul-Gilloteaux, P Gressens, C Verney, K Kultas-Ilinsky
eneuro 5 (3), 2018
QUAREP‐LiMi: A community‐driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
G Nelson, U Boehm, S Bagley, P Bajcsy, J Bischof, CM Brown, A Dauphin, ...
Journal of microscopy 284 (1), 56-73, 2021
A surface registration method for quantification of intraoperative brain deformations in image-guided neurosurgery
P Paul, X Morandi, P Jannin
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (6), 976-983, 2009
Software for drift compensation, particle tracking and particle analysis of high‐speed atomic force microscopy image series
M Husain, T Boudier, P Paul‐Gilloteaux, I Casuso, S Scheuring
Journal of Molecular Recognition 25 (5), 292-298, 2012
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Articles 1–20