Jüri Reimand
Jüri Reimand
Associate professor, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, University of Toronto
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Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes
TITPCAWG Consortium
Nature 578 (7793), 82, 2020
Pathway enrichment analysis and visualization of omics data using g: Profiler, GSEA, Cytoscape and EnrichmentMap
J Reimand, R Isserlin, V Voisin, M Kucera, C Tannus-Lopes, ...
Nature protocols 14 (2), 482-517, 2019
g: Profiler—a web-based toolset for functional profiling of gene lists from large-scale experiments
J Reimand, M Kull, H Peterson, J Hansen, J Vilo
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_2), W193-W200, 2007
g: Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2016 update)
J Reimand, T Arak, P Adler, L Kolberg, S Reisberg, H Peterson, J Vilo
Nucleic acids research 44 (W1), W83-W89, 2016
Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNS compartments, histopathological grades, and age groups
KW Pajtler, H Witt, M Sill, DTW Jones, V Hovestadt, F Kratochwil, K Wani, ...
Cancer cell 27 (5), 728-743, 2015
Intertumoral heterogeneity within medulloblastoma subgroups
FMG Cavalli, M Remke, L Rampasek, J Peacock, DJH Shih, B Luu, ...
Cancer cell 31 (6), 737-754. e6, 2017
Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes
PA Northcott, DJH Shih, J Peacock, L Garzia, A Sorana Morrissy, ...
Nature 488 (7409), 49-56, 2012
New brain tumor entities emerge from molecular classification of CNS-PNETs
D Sturm, BA Orr, UH Toprak, V Hovestadt, DTW Jones, D Capper, M Sill, ...
Cell 164 (5), 1060-1072, 2016
Genome sequencing of SHH medulloblastoma predicts genotype-related response to smoothened inhibition
M Kool, DTW Jones, N Jäger, PA Northcott, TJ Pugh, V Hovestadt, ...
Cancer cell 25 (3), 393-405, 2014
Pathogenic germline variants in 10,389 adult cancers
K Huang, RJ Mashl, Y Wu, DI Ritter, J Wang, C Oh, M Paczkowska, ...
Cell 173 (2), 355-370. e14, 2018
Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes
E Rheinbay, MM Nielsen, F Abascal, JA Wala, O Shapira, G Tiao, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 102-111, 2020
g: Profiler—a web server for functional interpretation of gene lists (2011 update)
J Reimand, T Arak, J Vilo
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_2), W307-W315, 2011
Comprehensive identification of mutational cancer driver genes across 12 tumor types
D Tamborero, A Gonzalez-Perez, C Perez-Llamas, J Deu-Pons, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2650, 2013
Functional genomic landscape of human breast cancer drivers, vulnerabilities, and resistance
R Marcotte, A Sayad, KR Brown, F Sanchez-Garcia, J Reimand, M Haider, ...
Cell 164 (1), 293-309, 2016
Single cell-derived clonal analysis of human glioblastoma links functional and genomic heterogeneity
M Meyer, J Reimand, X Lan, R Head, X Zhu, M Kushida, J Bayani, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (3), 851-856, 2015
Pathway and network analysis of cancer genomes
P Creixell, J Reimand, S Haider, G Wu, T Shibata, M Vazquez, ...
Nature methods 12 (7), 615, 2015
Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence
AS Morrissy, L Garzia, DJH Shih, S Zuyderduyn, X Huang, P Skowron, ...
Nature 529 (7586), 351-357, 2016
Systematic analysis of somatic mutations in phosphorylation signaling predicts novel cancer drivers
J Reimand, GD Bader
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 637, 2013
Topoisomerase II beta interacts with cohesin and CTCF at topological domain borders
L Uusküla-Reimand, H Hou, P Samavarchi-Tehrani, MV Rudan, M Liang, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-22, 2016
Therapeutic targeting of ependymoma as informed by oncogenic enhancer profiling
SC Mack, KW Pajtler, L Chavez, K Okonechnikov, KC Bertrand, X Wang, ...
Nature 553 (7686), 101-105, 2018
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Articles 1–20