Tyler Abrams
Tyler Abrams
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Liquid lithium divertor characteristics and plasma–material interactions in NSTX high-performance plasmas
MA Jaworski, T Abrams, JP Allain, MG Bell, RE Bell, A Diallo, TK Gray, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (8), 083032, 2013
The inter-ELM tungsten erosion profile in DIII-D H-mode discharges and benchmarking with ERO+ OEDGE modeling
T Abrams, R Ding, HY Guo, DM Thomas, CP Chrobak, DL Rudakov, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (5), 056034, 2017
Operational characteristics of the high flux plasma generator Magnum-PSI
HJN Van Eck, T Abrams, MA Van Den Berg, S Brons, GG Van Eden, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (9-10), 2150-2154, 2014
Observations of wall conditioning by means of boron powder injection in DIII-D H-mode plasmas
A Bortolon, R Maingi, A Nagy, J Ren, JD Duran, A Maan, DC Donovan, ...
Nuclear Fusion 60 (12), 126010, 2020
Tungsten erosion by unipolar arcing in DIII-D
I Bykov, CP Chrobak, T Abrams, DL Rudakov, EA Unterberg, ...
Physica Scripta 2017 (T170), 014034, 2017
Macroscopic motion of liquid metal plasma facing components in a diverted plasma
MA Jaworski, SP Gerhardt, NB Morley, T Abrams, R Kaita, J Kallman, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 415 (1), S985-S988, 2011
Exposures of tungsten nanostructures to divertor plasmas in DIII-D
DL Rudakov, CPC Wong, RP Doerner, GM Wright, T Abrams, MJ Baldwin, ...
Physica Scripta 2016 (T167), 014055, 2016
Investigation of the role of pedestal pressure and collisionality on type-I ELM divertor heat loads in DIII-D
M Knolker, A Bortolon, GP Canal, TE Evans, H Zohm, T Abrams, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (9), 096023, 2018
Advances in understanding of high-Z material erosion and re-deposition in low-Z wall environment in DIII-D
R Ding, DL Rudakov, PC Stangeby, WR Wampler, T Abrams, S Brezinsek, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (5), 056016, 2017
Suppressed gross erosion of high-temperature lithium via rapid deuterium implantation
T Abrams, MA Jaworski, M Chen, EA Carter, R Kaita, DP Stotler, ...
Nuclear Fusion 56 (1), 016022, 2015
Advances in low-temperature tungsten spectroscopy capability to quantify DIII-D divertor erosion
T Abrams, DM Thomas, EA Unterberg, AR Briesemeister
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (5), 1298-1305, 2018
Particle control and plasma performance in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment
R Majeski, T Abrams, D Boyle, E Granstedt, J Hare, CM Jacobson, R Kaita, ...
Physics of Plasmas 20 (5), 2013
DIII-D research towards establishing the scientific basis for future fusion reactors
CC Petty, Diii-D Team
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112002, 2019
Impact of ELM control techniques on tungsten sputtering in the DIII-D divertor and extrapolations to ITER
T Abrams, EA Unterberg, DL Rudakov, AW Leonard, O Schmitz, D Shiraki, ...
Physics of Plasmas 26 (6), 2019
DiMES PMI research at DIII-D in support of ITER and beyond
DL Rudakov, T Abrams, R Ding, HY Guo, PC Stangeby, WR Wampler, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 124, 196-201, 2017
Developing and validating advanced divertor solutions on DIII-D for next-step fusion devices
HY Guo, DN Hill, AW Leonard, SL Allen, PC Stangeby, D Thomas, ...
Nuclear Fusion 56 (12), 126010, 2016
An overview of recent physics results from NSTX
SM Kaye, T Abrams, JW Ahn, JP Allain, R Andre, D Andruczyk, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (10), 104002, 2015
Utilization of outer-midplane collector probes with isotopically enriched tungsten tracer particles for impurity transport studies in the scrape-off layer of DIII-D
DC Donovan, EA Unterberg, PC Stangeby, S Zamperini, JD Auxier, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (10), 2018
Dependence of LTX plasma performance on surface conditions as determined by in situ analysis of plasma facing components
M Lucia, R Kaita, R Majeski, F Bedoya, JP Allain, T Abrams, RE Bell, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 463, 907-910, 2015
Erosion of lithium coatings on TZM molybdenum and graphite during high-flux plasma bombardment
T Abrams, MA Jaworski, R Kaita, DP Stotler, G De Temmerman, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (12), 2857-2863, 2014
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Articles 1–20