Johannes Kindt
Johannes Kindt
Carl Zeiss AG
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Molecular mechanistic origin of the toughness of natural adhesives, fibres and composites
BL Smith, TE Schäffer, M Viani, JB Thompson, NA Frederick, J Kindt, ...
Nature 399 (6738), 761-763, 1999
Sacrificial bonds and hidden length dissipate energy as mineralized fibrils separate during bone fracture
GE Fantner, T Hassenkam, JH Kindt, JC Weaver, H Birkedal, L Pechenik, ...
Nature materials 4 (8), 612-616, 2005
Bone indentation recovery time correlates with bond reforming time
JB Thompson, JH Kindt, B Drake, HG Hansma, DE Morse, PK Hansma
Nature 414 (6865), 773-776, 2001
Probing protein–protein interactions in real time
MB Viani, LI Pietrasanta, JB Thompson, A Chand, IC Gebeshuber, ...
nature structural biology 7 (8), 644-647, 2000
Components for high speed atomic force microscopy
GE Fantner, G Schitter, JH Kindt, T Ivanov, K Ivanova, R Patel, ...
Ultramicroscopy 106 (8-9), 881-887, 2006
Direct observation of the transition from calcite to aragonite growth as induced by abalone shell proteins
JB Thompson, GT Paloczi, JH Kindt, M Michenfelder, BL Smith, G Stucky, ...
Biophysical Journal 79 (6), 3307-3312, 2000
Force spectroscopy of collagen fibers to investigate their mechanical properties and structural organization
T Gutsmann, GE Fantner, JH Kindt, M Venturoni, S Danielsen, ...
Biophysical journal 86 (5), 3186-3193, 2004
Influence of the degradation of the organic matrix on the microscopic fracture behavior of trabecular bone
GE Fantner, H Birkedal, JH Kindt, T Hassenkam, JC Weaver, JA Cutroni, ...
Bone 35 (5), 1013-1022, 2004
Rigid design of fast scanning probe microscopes using finite element analysis
JH Kindt, GE Fantner, JA Cutroni, PK Hansma
Ultramicroscopy 100 (3-4), 259-265, 2004
Evidence that collagen fibrils in tendons are inhomogeneously structured in a tubelike manner
T Gutsmann, GE Fantner, M Venturoni, A Ekani-Nkodo, JB Thompson, ...
Biophysical Journal 84 (4), 2593-2598, 2003
Sacrificial bonds in the interfibrillar matrix of bone
PK Hansma, GE Fantner, JH Kindt, PJ Thurner, G Schitter, PJ Turner, ...
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions 5 (4), 313, 2005
Atomic force microscopy study of living diatoms in ambient conditions
IC Gebeshuber, JH Kindt, JB Thompson, Y Del Amo, H Stachelberger, ...
Journal of Microscopy 212 (3), 292-299, 2003
Fast-scanning SPM and method of operating same
C Prater, C Su, N Phan, JM Markakis, C Cusworth, J Shi, JH Kindt, ...
US Patent 7,770,231, 2010
Data acquisition system for high speed atomic force microscopy
GE Fantner, P Hegarty, JH Kindt, G Schitter, GAG Cidade, PK Hansma
Review of Scientific Instruments 76 (2), 2005
Hierarchical interconnections in the nano-composite material bone: Fibrillar cross-links resist fracture on several length scales
GE Fantner, O Rabinovych, G Schitter, P Thurner, JH Kindt, MM Finch, ...
Composites Science and Technology 66 (9), 1205-1211, 2006
Atomic force microscopy-based screening of drug-excipient miscibility and stability of solid dispersions
ME Lauer, O Grassmann, M Siam, J Tardio, L Jacob, S Page, JH Kindt, ...
Pharmaceutical research 28, 572-584, 2011
Rapid assessment of homogeneity and stability of amorphous solid dispersions by atomic force microscopy—from bench to batch
ME Lauer, M Siam, J Tardio, S Page, JH Kindt, O Grassmann
Pharmaceutical research 30, 2010-2022, 2013
Investigations into the polymorphism of rat tail tendon fibrils using atomic force microscopy
M Venturoni, T Gutsmann, GE Fantner, JH Kindt, PK Hansma
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 303 (2), 508-513, 2003
In vivo nanoscale atomic force microscopy investigation of diatom adhesion properties
IC Gebeshuber, JB Thompson, Y Del Amo, H Stachelberger, JH Kindt
Materials Science and Technology 18 (7), 763-766, 2002
In situ observation of fluoride-ion-induced hydroxyapatite–collagen detachment on bone fracture surfaces by atomic force microscopy
JH Kindt, PJ Thurner, ME Lauer, BL Bosma, G Schitter, GE Fantner, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (13), 135102, 2007
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