Yoram Ben-Shaul
Yoram Ben-Shaul
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Unsupervised spike detection and sorting with wavelets and superparamagnetic clustering
RQ Quiroga, Z Nadasdy, Y Ben-Shaul
Neural computation 16 (8), 1661-1687, 2004
Sex-specific processing of social cues in the medial amygdala
JF Bergan, Y Ben-Shaul, C Dulac
Elife 3, e02743, 2014
In vivo vomeronasal stimulation reveals sensory encoding of conspecific and allospecific cues by the mouse accessory olfactory bulb
Y Ben-Shaul, LC Katz, R Mooney, C Dulac
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (11), 5172-5177, 2010
Signal detection and coding in the accessory olfactory system
J Mohrhardt, M Nagel, D Fleck, Y Ben-Shaul, M Spehr
Chemical senses 43 (9), 667-695, 2018
Temporally precise cortical firing patterns are associated with distinct action segments
T Shmiel, R Drori, O Shmiel, Y Ben-Shaul, Z Nadasdy, M Shemesh, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 96 (5), 2645-2652, 2006
OptiMouse: a comprehensive open source program for reliable detection and analysis of mouse body and nose positions
Y Ben-Shaul
BMC biology 15, 1-22, 2017
Identifying subtle interrelated changes in functional gene categories using continuous measures of gene expression
Y Ben-Shaul, H Bergman, H Soreq
Bioinformatics 21 (7), 1129-1137, 2005
Neurons of the cerebral cortex exhibit precise interspike timing in correspondence to behavior
T Shmiel, R Drori, O Shmiel, Y Ben-Shaul, Z Nadasdy, M Shemesh, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (51), 18655-18657, 2005
Distinct movement parameters are represented by different neurons in the motor cortex
E Stark, R Drori, I Asher, Y Ben‐Shaul, M Abeles
European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (4), 1055-1066, 2007
Dynamical organization of directional tuning in the primate premotor and primary motor cortex
Y Ben-Shaul, E Stark, I Asher, R Drori, Z Nadasdy, M Abeles
Journal of Neurophysiology 89 (2), 1136-1142, 2003
Trial to trial variability in either stimulus or action causes apparent correlation and synchrony in neuronal activity
Y Ben-Shaul, H Bergman, Y Ritov, M Abeles
Journal of neuroscience methods 111 (2), 99-110, 2001
Neuronal activity in motor cortical areas reflects the sequential context of movement
Y Ben-Shaul, R Drori, I Asher, E Stark, Z Nadasdy, M Abeles
Journal of Neurophysiology 91 (4), 1748-1762, 2004
Chronic cholinergic imbalances promote brain diffusion and transport abnormalities
E Meshorer, IE Biton, Y Ben‐Shaul, S Ben‐Ari, Y Assaf, H Soreq, Y Cohen
The FASEB journal 19 (8), 910-922, 2005
Meta-analysis of genetic and environmental Parkinson's disease models reveals a common role of mitochondrial protection pathways
L Soreq, Y Ben-Shaul, Z Israel, H Bergman, H Soreq
Neurobiology of disease 45 (3), 1018-1030, 2012
A compact representation of drawing movements with sequences of parabolic primitives
F Polyakov, R Drori, Y Ben-Shaul, M Abeles, T Flash
PLoS Computational Biology 5 (7), e1000427, 2009
Interdependent conductances drive infraslow intrinsic rhythmogenesis in a subset of accessory olfactory bulb projection neurons
M Gorin, C Tsitoura, A Kahan, K Watznauer, DR Drose, M Arts, R Mathar, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (11), 3127-3144, 2016
Extracellular pH regulates excitability of vomeronasal sensory neurons
A Cichy, T Ackels, C Tsitoura, A Kahan, N Gronloh, M Söchtig, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (9), 4025-4039, 2015
Acetylcholinesterase/C terminal binding protein interactions modify Ikaros functions, causing T lymphopenia
C Perry, M Pick, E Podoly, A Gilboa-Geffen, G Zimmerman, EH Sklan, ...
Leukemia 21 (7), 1472-1480, 2007
Prolonged Intracellular Na+ Dynamics Govern Electrical Activity in Accessory Olfactory Bulb Mitral Cells
A Zylbertal, A Kahan, Y Ben-Shaul, Y Yarom, S Wagner
PLoS biology 13 (12), e1002319, 2015
Comparison of unsupervised algorithms for on-line and off-line spike sorting
Z Nadasdy, RQ Quiroga, Y Ben-Shaul, B Pesaran, DA Wagenaar, ...
32nd Annu. Meeting Soc. for Neurosci, 2002
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Articles 1–20