Paxie WC Chirwa, Professor of Forest Science, Forest Chair
Paxie WC Chirwa, Professor of Forest Science, Forest Chair
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Fertiliser trees for sustainable food security in the maize-based production systems of East and Southern Africa. A review
FK Akinnifesi, OC Ajayi, G Sileshi, PW Chirwa, J Chianu
Agronomy for sustainable development 30, 615-629, 2010
The miombo woodlands at the cross roads: Potential threats, sustainable livelihoods, policy gaps and challenges
S Syampungani, PW Chirwa, FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi
Natural Resources Forum 33 (2), 150-159, 2009
Contribution of agroforestry to biodiversity and livelihoods improvement in rural communities of Southern African regions
KF Kalaba, P Chirwa, S Syampungani, CO Ajayi
Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change: ecological and …, 2010
Livelihoods, land use and land cover change in the Zambezi Region, Namibia
JM Kamwi, PWC Chirwa, SOM Manda, PF Graz, C Kätsch
Population and Environment 37, 207-230, 2015
Contributions of agroforestry research to livelihood of smallholder farmers in Southern Africa: 1. Taking stock of the adaptation, adoption and impact of fertilizer tree options
FK Akinnifesi, PW Chirwa, OC Ajayi, G Sileshi, P Matakala, FR Kwesiga, ...
Agricultural Journal 3 (1), 58-75, 2008
Contributions of agroforestry research and development to livelihood of smallholder farmers in Southern Africa: 2. Fruit, medicinal, fuelwood and fodder tree systems
FK Akinnifesi, G Sileshi, OC Ajayi, PW Chirwa, FR Kwesiga, R Harawa
Agricultural Journal 3 (1), 76-88, 2008
Sustainable forest management beyond the timber-oriented status quo: transitioning to co-production of timber and non-wood forest products—a global perspective
JP Sheppard, J Chamberlain, D Agúndez, P Bhattacharya, PW Chirwa, ...
Current Forestry Reports 6 (1), 26-40, 2020
Agroforestry: Fertilizer Trees.
GW Sileshi, P Mafongoya, FK Akinnifesi, E Phiri, P Chirwa, T Beedy, ...
Elsevier, 2014
The potential of using agroforestry as a win-win solution to climate change mitigation and adaptation and meeting food security challenges in Southern Africa.
S Syampungani, PW Chirwa, FK Akinnifesi, OC Ajayi
Soil water dynamics in cropping systems containing Gliricidia sepium, pigeonpea and maize in southern Malawi
PW Chirwa, CK Ong, J Maghembe, CR Black
Agroforestry Systems 69, 29-43, 2007
The ecology and management of the Miombo woodlands for sustainable livelihoods in southern Africa: the case for non-timber forest products
PW Chirwa, S Syampungani, CJ Geldenhuys
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 70 (3), 237-245, 2008
Socio-economic factors influencing land-use and land-cover changes in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt province in Zambia
F Handavu, PWC Chirwa, S Syampungani
Forest policy and economics 100, 75-94, 2019
The contribution of indigenous fruit trees in sustaining rural livelihoods and conservation of natural resources
FK Kalaba, PW Chirwa, H Prozesky
Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 1 (1), 1-6, 2009
Regeneration dynamics of miombo woodland in response to different anthropogenic disturbances: forest characterisation for sustainable management
S Syampungani, CJ Geldenhuys, PW Chirwa
Agroforestry systems 90, 563-576, 2016
Analysis of the potential socio-economic impact of establishing plantation forestry on rural communities in Sanga district, Niassa province, Mozambique
J Landry, PW Chirwa
Land Use Policy 28 (3), 542-551, 2011
Agroforestry: an appropriate and sustainable response to a changing climate in Southern Africa?
JP Sheppard, R Bohn Reckziegel, L Borrass, PW Chirwa, CJ Cuaranhua, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6796, 2020
Tree and crop productivity in gliricidia/maize/pigeonpea cropping systems in southern Malawi
PW Chirwa, CR Black2, CK Ong, JA Maghembe
Agroforestry Systems 59, 265-277, 2003
Assessing the spatial drivers of land use and land cover change in the protected and communal areas of the Zambezi Region, Namibia
JM Kamwi, MA Cho, C Kaetsch, SO Manda, FP Graz, PW Chirwa
Land 7 (4), 131, 2018
Socio-economic factors influencing household dependence on forests and its implication for forest-based climate change interventions
C Ofoegbu, PW Chirwa, J Francis, FD Babalola
Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science 79 (2), 109-116, 2017
Assessing vulnerability of rural communities to climate change: A review of implications for forest-based livelihoods in South Africa
C Ofoegbu, P Chirwa, J Francis, F Babalola
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 9 (03 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20