Aaron Johnson
Aaron Johnson
Associate Professor of Agribusiness, University of Idaho
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Market orientation, innovativeness, and performance of food companies
AJ Johnson, CC Dibrell, E Hansen
Journal of Agribusiness 27, 85-106, 2009
Inactivation of the GacA response regulator in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf‐5 has far‐reaching transcriptomic consequences
KA Hassan, A Johnson, BT Shaffer, Q Ren, TA Kidarsa, LDH Elbourne, ...
Environmental microbiology 12 (4), 899-915, 2010
Receiving right/wrong feedback: Consequences for learning
LK Fazio, BJ Huelser, A Johnson, EJ Marsh
Memory 18 (3), 335-350, 2010
Establishing how natural environmental competency, organizational social consciousness, and innovativeness relate
C Dibrell, J B Craig, J Kim, A J Johnson
Journal of Business Ethics 127, 591-605, 2015
Bacterial subfamily of LuxR regulators that respond to plant compounds
S Subramoni, JF Gonzalez, A Johnson, M Péchy-Tarr, L Rochat, I Paulsen, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (13), 4579-4588, 2011
Genes expressed by the biological control bacterium Pseudomonas protegens Pf‐5 on seed surfaces under the control of the global regulators GacA and RpoS
TA Kidarsa, BT Shaffer, NC Goebel, DP Roberts, JS Buyer, A Johnson, ...
Environmental microbiology 15 (3), 716-735, 2013
PtrA is required for coordinate regulation of gene expression during phosphate stress in a marine Synechococcus
M Ostrowski, S Mazard, SG Tetu, K Phillippy, A Johnson, B Palenik, ...
The ISME Journal 4 (7), 908-921, 2010
Seasonality in Japanese household demand for meat and seafood
AJ Johnson, CA Durham, CR Wessells
Agribusiness: An International Journal 14 (4), 337-351, 1998
Factors critical in overcoming the liability of newness: Highlighting the role of family
C Dibrell, JB Craig, K Moores, AJ Johnson, PS Davis
The Journal of Private Equity, 38-48, 2009
An industry perspective of all-native and transgenic potatoes
EA Toevs, JF Guenthner, AJ Johnson, CS McIntosh, MK Thornton
AgBioForum, 2011
Innovativeness and innovation: Implications for the renewable materials supply chain
JD Detre, AJ Johnson, AW Gray
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 14 (2), 17-34, 2011
Strategic group analysis of US food businesses using the two-step clustering method
AJ Johnson, HC Johnson, S Devadoss, JC Foltz
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 14 (2), 83-102, 2011
Automating photogrammetry for the 3D digitisation of small artefact collections
ME Marshall, AA Johnson, SJ Summerskill, Q Baird, E Esteban
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
The development of a quality scale to measure the impact of quality on supermarket fruit demand
CA Durham, MV McFetridge, AJ Johnson
Journal of Food Distribution Research 36 (1), 36-41, 2005
Identity preservation systems for genetically modified potatoes
EA Toevs, JF Guenthner, AJ Johnson, CS McIntosh, MK Thornton
American journal of potato research 88, 303-308, 2011
Market intelligence utilization by small food companies: an application of the grounded theory method in exploratory research
AJ Johnson, TM Egelkraut, CA Grout
Journal of Food Distribution Research 41 (2), 58-72, 2010
Rhode Island ConsumersPreferences for Locally-produced food: Report on results from a 2006 survey
CA Roheim, C Durham, R King, A Johnson, J McCluskey, I Pardoe, ...
URI, ENRE report for USDA/CSREES/NRI www. uri. edu/cels/enre/C Roheim. html, 2007
Marketing-management impacts on produce sales
CA Durham, AJ Johnson, MV McFetridge
Journal of Food Distribution Research 38 (2), 22-38, 2007
A resource-based view and market orientation theory: Examination of the role of “familiness” in family business success
J Down, C Dibrell, M Green, E Hansen, A Johnson
Research forum proceedings: 14th World Conference, 83-95, 2003
In-store demand for ecolabeled fruit.
C Durham, M McFetridge, A Johnson
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Articles 1–20