Michael Heaven
Michael Heaven
Professor of Chemistry, Emory University
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Beryllium dimer—caught in the act of bonding
JM Merritt, VE Bondybey, MC Heaven
Science 324 (5934), 1548-1551, 2009
Kinetics of polyatomic free radicals produced by laser photolysis. 3. Reaction of vinyl radicals with molecular oxygen
IR Slagle, JY Park, MC Heaven, D Gutman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 106 (16), 4356-4361, 1984
Gain and lasing of optically pumped metastable rare gas atoms
J Han, MC Heaven
High-Power Lasers 2012: Technology and Systems 8547, 189-196, 2012
Spectroscopy and dynamics of open-shell van der Waals molecules
MC Heaven
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 43 (1), 283-310, 1992
The Electronic Spectrum of the UO2 Molecule
L Gagliardi, MC Heaven, JW Krogh, BO Roos
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (1), 86-91, 2005
Simultaneous Measurement of Recoil Velocity and Alignment of S (D 2 1) Atoms in Photodissociation of OCS
Y Mo, H Katayanagi, MC Heaven, T Suzuki
Physical review letters 77 (5), 830, 1996
Laser induced fluorescence study of the B̃ 2A ″→ X̃ 2A ″transition of the vinoxy radical in a supersonic free jet expansion
LF DiMauro, M Heaven, TA Miller
The Journal of chemical physics 81 (5), 2339-2346, 1984
Laser-induced fluorescence spectra of free-jet cooled organic free radicals. Vinoxy, cyclopentadienyl, and benzyl
M Heaven, L Dimauro, TA Miller
Chemical Physics Letters 95 (4-5), 347-351, 1983
Optically pumped microplasma rare gas laser
WT Rawlins, KL Galbally-Kinney, SJ Davis, AR Hoskinson, JA Hopwood, ...
Optics express 23 (4), 4804-4813, 2015
Demonstration of a diode-pumped metastable Ar laser
J Han, L Glebov, G Venus, MC Heaven
Optics letters 38 (24), 5458-5461, 2013
Kinetics of polyatomic free radicals produced by laser photolysis. IV: Study of the equilibrium i-C3H7+ O2→ i-C3H7O2 between 592 and 692 K
IR Slagle, E Ratajczak, MC Heaven, D Gutman, AF Wagner
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (7), 1838-1845, 1985
Observation of ArOH and ArOD by laser induced fluorescence
WM Fawzy, MC Heaven
The Journal of chemical physics 89 (11), 7030-7031, 1988
A potential surface for argon-hydroxyl (2. SIGMA.) and argon-hydroxyl-d (2. SIGMA.): fitting and assigning experimental data with rigorous theory
JM Bowman, B Gazdy, P Schafer, MC Heaven
Journal of Physical Chemistry 94 (6), 2226-2229, 1990
Laser Spectroscopy of UO: Characterization and Assignment of States in the 0-to 3-eV Range, with a Comparison to the Electronic Structure of ThO
LA Kaledin, JE McCord, MC Heaven
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 164 (1), 27-65, 1994
Electronic spectroscopy of the ArOH and ArOD complexes
WM Fawzy, MC Heaven
The Journal of chemical physics 92 (2), 909-916, 1990
Spectroscopy of the ground and low-lying excited states of ThO+
V Goncharov, MC Heaven
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (6), 2006
Electronic spectroscopy and ionization potential of UO2 in the gas phase
J Han, V Goncharov, LA Kaledin, AV Komissarov, MC Heaven
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (11), 5155-5163, 2004
Rotationally resolved electronic spectrum of jet-cooled cyclopentadienyl radical
L Yu, SC Foster, JM Williamson, MC Heaven, TA Miller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 92 (15), 4263-4266, 1988
Rotational, fine, and hyperfine structure in the high‐resolution electronic spectrum of ArOH and ArOD
BC Chang, L Yu, D Cullin, B Rehfuss, J Williamson, TA Miller, WM Fawzy, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 95 (10), 7086-7098, 1991
The unique bonding characteristics of beryllium and the Group IIA metals
MC Heaven, VE Bondybey, JM Merritt, AL Kaledin
Chemical Physics Letters 506 (1-3), 1-14, 2011
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Articles 1–20