Ashlynn Daughton
Overview of the fourth social media mining for health (SMM4H) shared tasks at ACL 2019
D Weissenbacher, A Sarker, A Magge, A Daughton, K O’Connor, M Paul, ...
Proceedings of the fourth social media mining for health applications …, 2019
“Thought I’d share first” and other conspiracy theory tweets from the COVID-19 infodemic: Exploratory study
D Gerts, CD Shelley, N Parikh, T Pitts, C Watson Ross, G Fairchild, ...
JMIR public health and surveillance 7 (4), e26527, 2021
Nearly finished genomes produced using gel microdroplet culturing reveal substantial intraspecies genomic diversity within the human microbiome
MS Fitzsimons, M Novotny, CC Lo, AEK Dichosa, JL Yee-Greenbaum, ...
Genome research 23 (5), 878-888, 2013
Epidemiological data challenges: planning for a more robust future through data standards
G Fairchild, B Tasseff, H Khalsa, N Generous, AR Daughton, N Velappan, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 6, 336, 2018
Zika discourse in the Americas: A multilingual topic analysis of Twitter
D Pruss, Y Fujinuma, AR Daughton, MJ Paul, B Arnot, D Albers Szafir, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216922, 2019
Identifying protective health behaviors on Twitter: observational study of travel advisories and Zika virus
AR Daughton, MJ Paul
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (5), e13090, 2019
Measuring global disease with Wikipedia: Success, failure, and a research agenda
R Priedhorsky, D Osthus, AR Daughton, KR Moran, N Generous, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2017
Capturing and cultivating single bacterial cells in gel microdroplets to obtain near-complete genomes
AEK Dichosa, AR Daughton, KG Reitenga, MS Fitzsimons, CS Han
Nature protocols 9 (3), 608-621, 2014
Even a good influenza forecasting model can benefit from internet-based nowcasts, but those benefits are limited
D Osthus, AR Daughton, R Priedhorsky
PLoS computational biology 15 (2), e1006599, 2019
An approach to and web-based tool for infectious disease outbreak intervention analysis
AR Daughton, N Generous, R Priedhorsky, A Deshpande
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 46076, 2017
Salivary microbiomes of indigenous Tsimane mothers and infants are distinct despite frequent premastication
CS Han, MA Martin, AEK Dichosa, AR Daughton, S Frietze, H Kaplan, ...
PeerJ 4, e2660, 2016
Using phage display selected antibodies to dissect microbiomes for complete de novo genome sequencing of low abundance microbes
DW Close, F Ferrara, AEK Dichosa, S Kumar, AR Daughton, HE Daligault, ...
BMC microbiology 13, 1-14, 2013
Comparison of social media, syndromic surveillance, and microbiologic acute respiratory infection data: observational study
AR Daughton, R Chunara, MJ Paul
JMIR public health and surveillance 6 (2), e14986, 2020
Constructing accurate confidence intervals when aggregating social media data for public health monitoring
AR Daughton, MJ Paul
Precision Health and Medicine: A Digital Revolution in Healthcare, 9-17, 2020
Surveillance for emerging diseases with multiplexed point-of-care diagnostics
A Deshpande, B McMahon, AR Daughton, EL Abeyta, D Hodge, ...
Health security 14 (3), 111-121, 2016
Mining and Validating Social Media Data for COVID-19–Related Human Behaviors Between January and July 2020: Infodemiology Study
AR Daughton, CD Shelley, M Barnard, D Gerts, C Watson Ross, I Crooker, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (5), e27059, 2021
The Biosurveillance Analytics Resource Directory (BARD): facilitating the use of epidemiological models for infectious disease surveillance
KJ Margevicius, N Generous, E Abeyta, B Althouse, H Burkom, L Castro, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146600, 2016
Estimating influenza incidence using search query deceptiveness and generalized ridge regression
R Priedhorsky, AR Daughton, M Barnard, F O’Connell, D Osthus
PLoS Computational Biology 15 (10), e1007165, 2019
Thought I'd share first" and other conspiracy theory tweets from the COVID-19 infodemic: exploratory study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2021 Apr 14; 7 (4): e26527. doi: 10 …
D Gerts, CD Shelley, N Parikh, T Pitts, C Watson Ross, G Fairchild, ...
Draft genome sequence of Thauera sp. strain SWB20, isolated from a Singapore wastewater treatment facility using gel microdroplets
AEK Dichosa, KW Davenport, PE Li, SA Ahmed, H Daligault, CD Gleasner, ...
Genome Announcements 3 (2), 10.1128/genomea. 00132-15, 2015
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