Vittal K. Yachandra
Vittal K. Yachandra
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Manganese cluster in photosynthesis: where plants oxidize water to dioxygen
VK Yachandra, K Sauer, MP Klein
Chemical Reviews 96 (7), 2927-2950, 1996
Where water is oxidized to dioxygen: structure of the photosynthetic Mn4Ca cluster
J Yano, J Kern, K Sauer, MJ Latimer, Y Pushkar, J Biesiadka, B Loll, ...
Science 314 (5800), 821-825, 2006
Structure and valency of a cobalt− phosphate water oxidation catalyst determined by in situ X-ray spectroscopy
MW Kanan, J Yano, Y Surendranath, M Dinca, VK Yachandra, DG Nocera
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (39), 13692-13701, 2010
Structure–activity correlations in a nickel–borate oxygen evolution catalyst
DK Bediako, B Lassalle-Kaiser, Y Surendranath, J Yano, VK Yachandra, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (15), 6801-6809, 2012
X-ray damage to the Mn4Ca complex in single crystals of photosystem II: a case study for metalloprotein crystallography
J Yano, J Kern, KD Irrgang, MJ Latimer, U Bergmann, P Glatzel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (34), 12047-12052, 2005
Mn4Ca Cluster in Photosynthesis: Where and How Water is Oxidized to Dioxygen
J Yano, V Yachandra
Chemical reviews 114 (8), 4175-4205, 2014
In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of a bifunctional manganese oxide catalyst with high activity for electrochemical water oxidation and oxygen reduction
Y Gorlin, B Lassalle-Kaiser, JD Benck, S Gul, SM Webb, VK Yachandra, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (23), 8525-8534, 2013
Where plants make oxygen: a structural model for the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving manganese cluster
VK Yachandra, VJ DeRose, MJ Latimer, I Mukerji, K Sauer, MP Klein
Science 260 (5108), 675-679, 1993
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
J Yano, VK Yachandra
Photosynthesis research 102, 241-254, 2009
Structures of the intermediates of Kok’s photosynthetic water oxidation clock
J Kern, R Chatterjee, ID Young, FD Fuller, L Lassalle, M Ibrahim, S Gul, ...
Nature 563 (7731), 421-425, 2018
Simultaneous femtosecond X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction of photosystem II at room temperature
J Kern, R Alonso-Mori, R Tran, J Hattne, RJ Gildea, N Echols, C Glöckner, ...
Science 340 (6131), 491-495, 2013
Structure of photosystem II and substrate binding at room temperature
ID Young, M Ibrahim, R Chatterjee, S Gul, FD Fuller, S Koroidov, ...
Nature 540 (7633), 453-457, 2016
Absence of Mn-Centered Oxidation in the S2 → S3 Transition:  Implications for the Mechanism of Photosynthetic Water Oxidation
J Messinger, JH Robblee, U Bergmann, C Fernandez, P Glatzel, H Visser, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (32), 7804-7820, 2001
Synthetic model of the asymmetric [Mn3CaO4] cubane core of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II
S Mukherjee, JA Stull, J Yano, TC Stamatatos, K Pringouri, TA Stich, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2257-2262, 2012
Oxidation states of the manganese cluster during the flash-induced S-state cycle of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex.
TA Roelofs, W Liang, MJ Latimer, RM Cinco, A Rompel, JC Andrews, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (8), 3335-3340, 1996
Evidence from in Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for the Involvement of Terminal Disulfide in the Reduction of Protons by an Amorphous Molybdenum Sulfide …
B Lassalle-Kaiser, D Merki, H Vrubel, S Gul, VK Yachandra, X Hu, J Yano
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (1), 314-321, 2015
Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation using femtosecond X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy
J Kern, R Tran, R Alonso-Mori, S Koroidov, N Echols, J Hattne, M Ibrahim, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4371, 2014
X-ray spectroscopy-based structure of the Mn cluster and mechanism of photosynthetic oxygen evolution
JH Robblee, RM Cinco, VK Yachandra
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1503 (1-2), 7-23, 2001
High-Resolution Mn EXAFS of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex in Photosystem II:  Structural Implications for the Mn4Ca Cluster
J Yano, Y Pushkar, P Glatzel, A Lewis, K Sauer, J Messinger, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (43), 14974-14975, 2005
Nanoflow electrospinning serial femtosecond crystallography
RG Sierra, H Laksmono, J Kern, R Tran, J Hattne, R Alonso-Mori, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 68 (11), 1584-1587, 2012
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