Marian-Andrei RIZOIU
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Cited by
Expecting to be hip: Hawkes intensity processes for social media popularity
MA Rizoiu, L Xie, S Sanner, M Cebrian, H Yu, P Van Hentenryck
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web, 735-744, 2017
Feature driven and point process approaches for popularity prediction
S Mishra, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international on conference on information and …, 2016
A Tutorial on Hawkes Processes for Events in Social Media
MA Rizoiu, Y Lee, S Mishra, L Xie
Frontiers of Multimedia Research, 191-218, 2018
SIR-Hawkes: Linking epidemic models and Hawkes processes to model diffusions in finite populations
MA Rizoiu, S Mishra, Q Kong, M Carman, L Xie
Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference, 419-428, 2018
Beyond views: Measuring and predicting engagement in online videos
S Wu, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 12 (1), 2018
Social media-predicted personality traits and values can help match people to their ideal jobs
ML Kern, PX McCarthy, D Chakrabarty, MA Rizoiu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52), 26459-26464, 2019
# debatenight: The role and influence of socialbots on twitter during the 1st 2016 us presidential debate
MA Rizoiu, T Graham, R Zhang, Y Zhang, R Ackland, L Xie
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 12 (1), 2018
Transfer learning for hate speech detection in social media
L Yuan, T Wang, G Ferraro, H Suominen, MA Rizoiu
Journal of Computational Social Science 6 (2), 1081-1101, 2023
Improving Topic Evaluation Using Conceptual Knowledge
CC Musat, J Velcin, S Trausan-Matu, MA Rizoiu
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), 1866 …, 2011
Modeling information cascades with self-exciting processes via generalized epidemic models
Q Kong, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
proceedings of the 13th international conference on web search and data …, 2020
Analysing user identity via time-sensitive semantic edit distance (t-SED): a case study of Russian trolls on Twitter
D Kim, T Graham, Z Wan, MA Rizoiu
Journal of Computational Social Science 2, 331-351, 2019
Will this video go viral: Explaining and predicting the popularity of youtube videos
Q Kong, MA Rizoiu, S Wu, L Xie
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 175-178, 2018
Efficient non-parametric Bayesian Hawkes processes
R Zhang, C Walder, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.03730, 2018
Layoffs, inequity and COVID-19: A longitudinal study of the journalism jobs crisis in Australia from 2012 to 2020
N Dawson, S Molitorisz, MA Rizoiu, P Fray
Journalism 24 (3), 531-559, 2023
Arterial incident duration prediction using a bi-level framework of extreme gradient-tree boosting
AS Mihaita, Z Liu, C Cai, MA Rizoiu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.12254, 2019
Using Hawkes Processes to model imported and local malaria cases in near-elimination settings
HJT Unwin, I Routledge, S Flaxman, MA Rizoiu, S Lai, J Cohen, DJ Weiss, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (4), e1008830, 2021
Variational inference for sparse Gaussian process modulated Hawkes process
R Zhang, C Walder, MA Rizoiu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 6803-6810, 2020
Estimating attention flow in online video networks
S Wu, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-25, 2019
Modeling popularity in asynchronous social media streams with recurrent neural networks
S Mishra, MA Rizoiu, L Xie
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 12 (1), 2018
Online popularity under promotion: Viral potential, forecasting, and the economics of time
MA Rizoiu, LX Xie
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 11 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20