Araz Sarchami
Araz Sarchami
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Estimation of heat flux imposed on the rake face of a cutting tool: a nonlinear, complex geometry inverse heat conduction case study
F Samadi, F Kowsary, A Sarchami
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2), 298-303, 2012
An atomization model for splash plate nozzles
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, H Tran
AIChE journal 56 (4), 849-857, 2010
Effect of nucleation bubble departure diameter and frequency on modeling subcooled flow boiling in an annular flow
A Khoshnevis, A Sarchami, N Ashgriz
Applied Thermal Engineering 135, 280-288, 2018
Three‐dimensional multiphase flow model to study channel flow dynamics of PEM fuel cells
A Golpaygan, A Sarchami, N Ashgriz
International journal of energy research 35 (13), 1188-1199, 2011
Instability of liquid sheets
N Ashgriz, X Li, A Sarchami
Handbook of Atomization and Sprays: Theory and Applications, 75-95, 2010
Three dimensional numerical simulation of a full scale CANDU reactor moderator to study temperature fluctuations
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, M Kwee
Nuclear Engineering and Design 266, 148-154, 2014
Investigation of Thermal Hydraulics of a Nuclear Reactor Moderator
A Sarchami
University of Toronto (Canada), 2011
Comparison between surface heating and volumetric heating methods inside CANDU reactor moderator test facility (MTF) using 3D numerical simulation
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, M Kwee
Nucl. Energy Sci. Eng 3 (15), e21, 2013
Temperature fluctuations inside the CANDU reactor Moderator Test Facility (MTF)
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, M Kwee
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering 44977, 1-8, 2012
Initial perturbation amplitude of liquid sheets produced by jet-impingement nozzles
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, H Tran
AIAA journal 47 (11), 2775-2779, 2009
A spray model to predict droplet size distribution produced by wall impingement nozzle
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, H Tran
38th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3837, 2008
Effect of scaling on the thermal hydraulics of the moderator of a CANDU reactor
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, M Kwee
Splash plate atomizers
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz
Handbook of Atomization and Sprays: Theory and Applications, 709-726, 2011
Estimation of the heat generation in a cutting tool using a sequential inverse method
F Samadi, F Kowsary, M Hamedi, A Sarchami
Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 49163, 567-572, 2010
Modeling of sprays produced by splash plate nozzles
A Sarchami
Discrete Phase Based Method (DPM) of Modeling Sheet Formation and Breakup
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, HN Tran
Droplet Size and Velocity Prediction for Splash Plate Nozzles
A Sarchami, N Ashgriz, HN Tran
Paper ID iclass06-264-*** Breakup of a 2D Drop in Cross Flow
A Sarchami, A Jafari, N Ashgriz
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Articles 1–18