David Kerr
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Cited by
Phase-shifted dynamic speckle pattern interferometry at 1 kHz
JM Huntley, GH Kaufmann, D Kerr
Applied optics 38 (31), 6556-6563, 1999
Assessment and visualisation of machine tool wear using computer vision
D Kerr, J Pengilley, R Garwood
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 28 (7), 781-791, 2006
Unwrapping of interferometric phase-fringe maps by the discrete cosine transform
D Kerr, GH Kaufmann, GE Galizzi
Applied Optics 35 (5), 810-816, 1996
Extraction of phase data from electronic speckle pattern interferometric fringes using a single-phase-step method: a novel approach
D Kerr, FM Santoyo, JR Tyrer
JOSA A 7 (5), 820-826, 1990
Electronic speckle contouring
R Rodríguez-Vera, D Kerr, F Mendoza-Santoyo
JOSA A 9 (11), 2000-2008, 1992
Manipulation of the Fourier components of speckle fringe patterns as part of an interferometric analysis process
D Kerr, FM Santoyo, JR Tyrer
Journal of Modern Optics 36 (2), 195-203, 1989
Interferometric fringe analysis using a single phase step technique
FM Santoyo, D Kerr, JR Tyrer
Applied optics 27 (21), 4362_1-4364, 1988
Multi-sensor driver drowsiness monitoring
P Boyraz, M Acar, D Kerr
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2008
Measurement of transient deformations with dual-pulse addition electronic speckle-pattern interferometry
DI Farrant, GH Kaufmann, JN Petzing, JR Tyrer, BF Oreb, D Kerr
Applied optics 37 (31), 7259-7267, 1998
A novel approach for quality control system using sensor fusion of infrared and visual image processing for laser sealing of food containers
A Al-Habaibeh, F Shi, N Brown, D Kerr, M Jackson, RM Parkin
Measurement Science and Technology 15, 1995, 2004
Fast electro-optical system for pulsed ESPI carrier fringe generation
A Davila, D Kerr, GH Kaufmann
Optics communications 123 (4-6), 457-464, 1996
Digital processing of electronic speckle pattern interferometry addition fringes
A Davila, D Kerr, GH Kaufmann
Applied optics 33 (25), 5964-5969, 1994
A methodology for design and appraisal of surgical robotic systems
M O'toole, K Bouazza-Marouf, D Kerr, M Gooroochurn, M Vloeberghs
Robotica 28 (2), 297, 2010
High-speed dynamic speckle interferometry: phase errors due to intensity, velocity, and speckle decorrelation
A Davila, JM Huntley, GH Kaufmann, D Kerr
Applied optics 44 (19), 3954-3962, 2005
Scale-space filter for smoothing electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes
A Davila, GH Kaufmann, D Kerr
Optical Engineering 35, 3549, 1996
Design of a semi-autonomous modular robotic vehicle for gas pipeline inspection
JK Ong, D Kerr, K Bouazza-Marouf
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2003
Robust contact force controller for slip prevention in a robotic gripper
M O'Toole, K Bouazza-Marouf, D Kerr, M Vloeberghs
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2010
Contrast enhancement of pulsed ESPI addition fringes
GH Kaufmann, D Kerr, NA Halliwell
Optics and lasers in engineering 20 (1), 25-34, 1994
Fuzzy logic control for use in in-pipe mobile robotic system navigation
JK Ong, K Bouazza-Marouf, D Kerr
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2003
Deformation-phase measurement of diffuse objects that have started nonrepeatable dynamic deformation
M Adachi, JN Petzing, D Kerr
Applied Optics 40 (34), 6187-6192, 2001
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Articles 1–20