Romain Bachelard
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Cited by
Cooperativity in light scattering by cold atoms
T Bienaimé, R Bachelard, N Piovella, R Kaiser
Fortschritte der Physik 61 (2‐3), 377-392, 2013
Optimal charging of a superconducting quantum battery
CK Hu, J Qiu, PJP Souza, J Yuan, Y Zhou, L Zhang, J Chu, X Pan, L Hu, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045018, 2022
Abundance of Regular Orbits and Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions<? format?> in the Thermodynamic Limit for Long-Range Systems
R Bachelard, C Chandre, D Fanelli, X Leoncini, S Ruffo
Physical Review Letters 101 (26), 260603, 2008
Photon blockade with ground-state neutral atoms
A Cidrim, TS do Espirito Santo, J Schachenmayer, R Kaiser, R Bachelard
Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 073601, 2020
Connecting field and intensity correlations: The Siegert relation and how to test it
D Ferreira, R Bachelard, W Guerin, R Kaiser, M Fouché
American Journal of Physics 88 (10), 831-837, 2020
Coherent and incoherent multiple scattering
J Chabé, MT Rouabah, L Bellando, T Bienaimé, N Piovella, R Bachelard, ...
Physical Review A 89 (4), 043833, 2014
Generation of maximally entangled long-lived states with giant atoms in a waveguide
AC Santos, R Bachelard
Physical Review Letters 130 (5), 053601, 2023
Spatial and temporal localization of light in two dimensions
CE Máximo, N Piovella, PW Courteille, R Kaiser, R Bachelard
Physical Review A 92 (6), 062702, 2015
Role of disorder in super-and subradiance of cold atomic clouds
F Cottier, R Kaiser, R Bachelard
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013622, 2018
Universal Threshold for the Dynamical Behavior of Lattice Systems<? format?> with Long-Range Interactions
R Bachelard, M Kastner
Physical Review Letters 110 (17), 170603, 2013
Subradiance with saturated atoms: population enhancement of the long-lived states
A Cipris, NA Moreira, TS do Espirito Santo, P Weiss, CJ Villas-Boas, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (10), 103604, 2021
Quantum battery based on quantum discord at room temperature
C Cruz, MF Anka, MS Reis, R Bachelard, AC Santos
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (2), 025020, 2022
Spreading of perturbations in long-range interacting classical lattice models
D Métivier, R Bachelard, M Kastner
Physical Review Letters 112 (21), 210601, 2014
Mollow triplet in cold atoms
L Ortiz-Gutiérrez, RC Teixeira, A Eloy, DF da Silva, R Kaiser, R Bachelard, ...
New Journal of Physics 21 (9), 093019, 2019
Coherence effects in scattering order expansion of light by atomic clouds
MT Rouabah, M Samoylova, R Bachelard, PW Courteille, R Kaiser, ...
JOSA A 31 (5), 1031-1039, 2014
Collective excitation dynamics of a cold atom cloud
TS do Espirito Santo, P Weiss, A Cipris, R Kaiser, W Guerin, R Bachelard, ...
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013617, 2020
Resonances in Mie scattering by an inhomogeneous atomic cloud
R Bachelard, PW Courteille, R Kaiser, N Piovella
Europhysics Letters 97 (1), 14004, 2012
Quantum effects in the cooperative scattering of light by atomic clouds
L Pucci, A Roy, TS do Espirito Santo, R Kaiser, M Kastner, R Bachelard
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053625, 2017
Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of cold atoms in ballistic motion
A Eloy, Z Yao, R Bachelard, W Guerin, M Fouché, R Kaiser
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013810, 2018
Fano resonances and fluorescence enhancement of a dipole emitter near a plasmonic nanoshell
TJ Arruda, R Bachelard, J Weiner, S Slama, PW Courteille
Physical Review A 96 (4), 043869, 2017
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Articles 1–20