Mansoor B. A. Jalil
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Cited by
Valley filter in strain engineered graphene
T Fujita, MBA Jalil, SG Tan
Applied Physics Letters 97 (4), 2010
Gauge fields in spintronics
T Fujita, MBA Jalil, SG Tan, S Murakami
Journal of applied physics 110 (12), 2011
Comment on “Spin filtering in a magnetic–electric barrier structure” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 2184 (2001)]
Y Jiang, MBA Jalil, TS Low
Applied physics letters 80 (9), 1673-1674, 2002
Efficient skyrmion transport mediated by a voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy gradient
X Wang, WL Gan, JC Martinez, FN Tan, MBA Jalil, WS Lew
Nanoscale 10 (2), 733-740, 2018
Mapping the Monte Carlo scheme to Langevin dynamics: a Fokker-Planck approach
XZ Cheng, MBA Jalil, HK Lee, Y Okabe
Physical review letters 96 (6), 067208, 2006
Transition from coherent rotation to curling mode reversal process in ferromagnetic nanowires
S Goolaup, N Singh, AO Adeyeye, V Ng, MBA Jalil
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 44, 259-264, 2005
Klein tunneling in Weyl semimetals under the influence of magnetic field
C Yesilyurt, SG Tan, G Liang, MBA Jalil
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38862, 2016
Topological insulator cell for memory and magnetic sensor applications
T Fujita, MBA Jalil, SG Tan
Applied Physics Express 4 (9), 094201, 2011
Topoelectrical circuit realization of a Weyl semimetal heterojunction
SM Rafi-Ul-Islam, Z Bin Siu, MBA Jalil
Communications Physics 3 (1), 72, 2020
Spin filtering in a two-dimensional electron gas device with asymmetric spatially spread magnetic-electric barriers
MBA Jalil
Journal of applied physics 97 (2), 2005
Critical hybridization of skin modes in coupled non-Hermitian chains
SM Rafi-Ul-Islam, ZB Siu, H Sahin, CH Lee, MBA Jalil
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013243, 2022
High spin filtering using multiple magnetoelectric barriers
MBA Jalil, SG Tan, T Liew, KL Teo, TC Chong
Journal of applied physics 95 (11), 7321-7323, 2004
Unified description of intrinsic spin-Hall effect mechanisms
T Fujita, MBA Jalil, SG Tan
New Journal of Physics 12 (1), 013016, 2010
Perfect valley filter in strained graphene with single barrier region
C Yesilyurt, S Ghee Tan, G Liang, M Jalil
Aip Advances 6 (5), 2016
Efficient dual spin-valley filter in strained silicene
C Yesilyurt, SG Tan, G Liang, MBA Jalil
Applied Physics Express 8 (10), 105201, 2015
Introduction to the Physics of Nanoelectronics
SG Tan, MBA Jalil
Elsevier, 2012
Strain-controlled valley and spin separation in silicene heterojunctions
Y Li, HB Zhu, GQ Wang, YZ Peng, JR Xu, ZH Qian, R Bai, GH Zhou, ...
Physical Review B 97 (8), 085427, 2018
Bit isolation in periodic antidot arrays using transverse applied fields
MBA Jalil
Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 7053-7055, 2003
Magnetotransport of Weyl semimetals with tilted Dirac cones
A Kundu, ZB Siu, H Yang, MBA Jalil
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083081, 2020
Compositional dependencies of ferromagnetic Ge1− xMnxTe grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy
WQ Chen, KL Teo, MBA Jalil, T Liew
Journal of applied physics 99 (8), 2006
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