Tiago Jalowitzki
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Cited by
The origin of Patagonia revealed by Re-Os systematics of mantle xenoliths
ME Schilling, RW Carlson, A Tassara, RV Conceição, GW Bertotto, ...
Precambrian Research 294, 15-32, 2017
Emplacement history and inflation evidence of a long basaltic lava flow located in Southern Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina
MI Bernardi, GW Bertotto, TLR Jalowitzki, Y Orihashi, AD Ponce
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 293, 46-56, 2015
An exotic Cretaceous kimberlite linked to metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern margin of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil
LDV Carvalho, T Jalowitzki, R Scholz, GO Gonçalves, MP Rocha, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 13 (1), 101281, 2022
Slab-derived components in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Chilean Patagonia: Geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes of mantle xenoliths and host basalt
T Jalowitzki, F Gervasoni, RV Conceição, Y Orihashi, GW Bertotto, ...
Lithos 292, 179-197, 2017
Noble gas composition of subcontinental lithospheric mantle: An extensively degassed reservoir beneath Southern Patagonia
T Jalowitzki, H Sumino, RV Conceição, Y Orihashi, K Nagao, GW Bertotto, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 450, 263-273, 2016
Recycling process and proto-kimberlite melt metasomatism in the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Amazonian Craton recorded by garnet xenocrysts and mantle …
F Gervasoni, T Jalowitzki, MP Rocha, RK Weska, E Novais-Rodrigues, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 13 (5), 101429, 2022
Geochemistry and geodynamic implications on the source of Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province evidenced by the 128 Ma Rosário-6 kimberlite, southern Brazil
RV Conceição, LC Carniel, T Jalowitzki, F Gervasoni, DG Cedeño
Lithos 328, 130-145, 2019
Evolução geoquímica de peridotitos e piroxenitos do manto litosférico subcontinental do vulcão Agua Poca, Terreno Cuyania, Argentina
TLR Jalowitzki, RV Conceição, Y Orihashi, GW Bertotto, S Nakai, ...
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Geociências, 2010
Diamond formation beneath the Coromandel area, southwestern São Francisco Craton–The role of re-fertilization and subduction
LDV Carvalho, T Stachel, DG Pearson, RA Fuck, T Jalowitzki, ...
Lithos 430, 106856, 2022
Heterogeneidades do Manto Litosférico Subcontinental ao extremo Sul da Placa Sul-Americana: influência da subducção atual e interações litosfera-astenosfera sob o Campo …
Pesquisas em Geociências 39 (3), 269-285, 2012
Petrogenesis of Somuncura plateau basalt in an extra back-arc province: Dehydration-induced melting of hydrous wadsleyite beneath northern Patagonia
Y Orihashi, A Motoki, M Haller, H Sumino, K Nagao, D Hirata, K Mibe, ...
The Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguazu, Brasil, 2010
Mantle metasomatism and refertilization beneath the SW margin of the São Francisco craton, Brazil
RA de Freitas Rodrigues, F Gervasoni, T Jalowitzki, Y Bussweiler, ...
Lithos 448, 107164, 2023
Partial melting and subduction-related metasomatism recorded by geochemical and isotope (He-Ne-Ar-Sr-Nd) compositions of spinel lherzolite xenoliths from Coyhaique, Chilean …
E Novais-Rodrigues, T Jalowitzki, F Gervasoni, H Sumino, Y Bussweiler, ...
Gondwana Research 98, 257-276, 2021
Contribuição de fluídos da placa de Nazca à fonte do magma alcalino do tipo OIB associado a uma pluma mantélica no norte da Patagônia, Argentina
TLR Jalowitzki, RV Conceição, GW Bertotto, Y Orihashi
Geochimica Brasiliensis 22 (2), 2008
Origin and redox conditions of the Rosário-6 alnöite of southern Brazil: implications for the state of the mantle during Gondwana breakup
LC Carniel, RV Conceição, S Klemme, J Berndt, T Jalowitzki
Lithos 376, 105751, 2020
Mantle xenoliths from Huanul volcano (Central-West Argentina): a poorly depleted mantle source under Southern Payenia
GW Bertotto, M Mazzucchelli, T Giovanardi, RV Conceiçao, A Zanetti, ...
Geosciences 12 (4), 157, 2022
Evolução Geoquímica do Manto Litosférico Subcontinental do Vulcão Agua Poca, Província Basáltica Andino-Cuyana, Centro-Oeste da Argentina
TLR Jalowitzki
Experimental petrology, geochemistry and petrography of mantle xenoliths from Prahuaniyeu Volcano, Northern Patagonia, Argentine
F Gervasoni, RV Conceição, GW Bertotto, MR Gallas, TLR Jalowitzki
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 73, A429, 2009
The influence of metasomatized mantle wedge related to flat-subduction processes in extra backarc basalts in Patagonia, Argentine
TLR Jalowitzki, RV Conceição, Y Orihashi
Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, 19-24, 2007
Destruction of the lithosphere beneath the SW margin of the São Francisco Craton evidenced by refertilized and deformed mantle xenoliths
LG Braga, T Jalowitzki, F Gervasoni, RF Rodrigues, M Mazzucchelli, ...
Journal of Petrology 65 (9), egae087, 2024
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Articles 1–20