D.M.M. Schunselaar
The semantics of hybrid process models
T Slaats, DMM Schunselaar, FM Maggi, HA Reijers
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2016
Creating sound and reversible configurable process models using CoSeNets
DMM Schunselaar, E Verbeek, WMP Van Der Aalst, HA Raijers
Business Information Systems: 15th International Conference, BIS 2012 …, 2012
Patterns for a log-based strengthening of declarative compliance models
DMM Schunselaar, FM Maggi, N Sidorova
Integrated Formal Methods: 9th International Conference, IFM 2012, Pisa …, 2012
Configurable declare: designing customisable flexible process models
DMM Schunselaar, FM Maggi, N Sidorova, WMP van der Aalst
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2012
Configurable Process Trees: Elicitation
D Schunselaar
Analysis, and Enactment, 0
YAWL in the cloud: supporting process sharing and variability
DMM Schunselaar, HMW Verbeek, HA Reijers, WMP van der Aalst
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2014 International Workshops …, 2015
Selecting a process variant modeling approach: guidelines and application
B Aysolmaz, DMM Schunselaar, HA Reijers, A Yaldiz
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 1155-1178, 2019
A cross-organizational process mining framework for obtaining insights from software products: accurate comparison challenges
Ü Aksu, DMM Schunselaar, HA Reijers
2016 IEEE 18th conference on business informatics (CBI) 1, 153-162, 2016
Petra: A tool for analysing a process family
DMM Schunselaar, HMW Verbeek, WMP Van Der Aalst, HA Reijers
International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering 2014 (PNSE'14 …, 2014
Mining hybrid business process models: a quest for better precision
DMM Schunselaar, T Slaats, FM Maggi, HA Reijers, WMP van der Aalst
Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 …, 2018
Automated prediction of relevant key performance indicators for organizations
Ü Aksu, DMM Schunselaar, HA Reijers
Business Information Systems: 22nd International Conference, BIS 2019 …, 2019
A Systematic evaluation of enterprise modelling approaches on their applicability to automatically generate ERP software
DMM Schunselaar, J Gulden, H Van Der Schuur, HA Reijers
2016 IEEE 18th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) 1, 290-299, 2016
Configurable process trees: elicitation, analysis, and enactment
DMM Schunselaar
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2016
Next: Generating tailored erp applications from ontological enterprise models
H Van Der Schuur, E Van De Ven, R De Jong, D Schunselaar, HA Reijers, ...
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 10th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference …, 2017
Using monotonicity to find optimal process configurations faster
DMM Schunselaar, HMW Verbeek, HA Reijers, WMP van der Aalst
4th International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis …, 2014
Configuring configurable process models made easier: an automated approach
DMM Schunselaar, H Leopold, HMW Verbeek, WMP Van Der Aalst, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2014 International Workshops …, 2015
An approach for automatically deriving key performance indicators from ontological enterprise models
UA Aksu, DMM Schunselaar, HA Reijers
SIMPDA 2017 Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis: Proceedings of the …, 2017
Configurable Declare
DMM Schunselaar
Master’s thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2011
A Framework for Efficiently Deciding Language Inclusion for Sound Unlabelled WF-Nets.
DMM Schunselaar, E Verbeek, WMP Van Der Aalst, HA Reijers
PNSE+ ModPE, 135-154, 2013
YAWL in the Cloud.
DMM Schunselaar, T van der Avoort, HMW Verbeek, WMP van der Aalst
YAWL Symposium, 41-48, 2013
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