Sergey Yarmolenko
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Cited by
Biodegradable Mg corrosion and osteoblast cell culture studies
YH Yun, Z Dong, D Yang, MJ Schulz, VN Shanov, S Yarmolenko, Z Xu, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 29 (6), 1814-1821, 2009
A multi-wall carbon nanotube tower electrochemical actuator
YH Yun, V Shanov, Y Tu, MJ Schulz, S Yarmolenko, S Neralla, J Sankar, ...
Nano letters 6 (4), 689-693, 2006
The microstructure and mechanical behavior of Mg/Ti multilayers as a function of individual layer thickness
YY Lu, R Kotoka, JP Ligda, BB Cao, SN Yarmolenko, BE Schuster, Q Wei
Acta Materialia 63, 216-231, 2014
Photosensitive chiral dopants with high twisting power
SN Yarmolenko, LA Kutulya, VV Vashchenko, LV Chepeleva
Liquid Crystals 16 (5), 877-882, 1994
Detection of temperature- and stress-induced modifications of by micro-Raman spectroscopy
N Orlovskaya, D Steinmetz, S Yarmolenko, D Pai, J Sankar, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (1), 014122, 2005
Thermodynamically stable dispersions of quantum dots in a nematic liquid crystal
MF Prodanov, NV Pogorelova, AP Kryshtal, AS Klymchenko, Y Mely, ...
Langmuir 29 (30), 9301-9309, 2013
Robust design and manufacturing of ceramic laminates with controlled thermal residual stresses for enhanced toughness
N Orlovskaya, M Lugovy, V Subbotin, O Radchenko, J Adams, M Chheda, ...
Journal of materials science 40, 5483-5490, 2005
Phase stability and sintering behavior of 10 mol% Sc2O 3-1 mol% CeO2-ZrO2 ceramics
S Yarmolenko, J Sankar, N Bernier, M Klimov, J Kapat
Journal of fuel cell science and technology 6 (2), 2009
Mechanical properties of nanocomposite metal–ceramic thin films
S Neralla, D Kumar, S Yarmolenko, J Sankar
Composites Part B: Engineering 35 (2), 157-162, 2004
A novel approach for the prevention of ionizing radiation-induced bone loss using a designer multifunctional cerium oxide nanozyme
F Wei, CJ Neal, TS Sakthivel, Y Fu, M Omer, A Adhikary, S Ward, KM Ta, ...
Bioactive materials 21, 547-565, 2023
Nanotube responsive materials
C Jayasinghe, W Li, Y Song, JL Abot, VN Shanov, S Fialkova, ...
MRS bulletin 35 (9), 682-692, 2010
Enhancement in corrosion resistance and vibration damping performance in titanium by titanium nitride coating
K Sarkar, P Jaipan, J Choi, T Haywood, D Tran, NR Mucha, S Yarmolenko, ...
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-14, 2020
Pulsed laser deposition assisted novel synthesis of self-assembled magnetic nanoparticles
D Kumar, S Yarmolenko, J Sankar, J Narayan, H Zhou, A Tiwari
Composites Part B: Engineering 35 (2), 149-155, 2004
Fabrication and characterization of magnesium ferrite-based PCL/Aloe vera nanofibers
Z Thompson, S Rahman, S Yarmolenko, J Sankar, D Kumar, N Bhattarai
Materials 10 (8), 937, 2017
Corrosion behavior of reactive sputtered Al2O3 and ZrO2 thin films on Mg disk immersed in saline solution
R Kotoka, S Yarmolenko, D Pai, J Sankar
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 31 (9), 873-880, 2015
Dispersion of magnetic nanoparticles in a polymorphic liquid crystal
MF Prodanov, MA Kolosov, AI Krivoshey, AP Fedoryako, SN Yarmolenko, ...
Liquid Crystals 39 (12), 1512-1526, 2012
New Chiral Sa-Phenyl-and Sa-Benzylethylamine Imine Derivatives in induced cholesteric and smectic mesophases. I. Structure and twisting power of the chiral dopants in induced …
LA Kutulya, GP Semenkova, SN Yarmolenko, AP Fedoryako, IE Novikova, ...
Kristallografiya 38 (1), 183-191, 1993
In vivo fluorescence imaging of apoptosis during foreign body response
I Bartsch, E Willbold, S Yarmolenko, F Witte
Biomaterials 33 (29), 6926-6932, 2012
Structure of sterically hindered aryl derivatives of five-membered nitrogen containing heterocyclicortho-analogs of POPOP
AO Doroshenko, LD Patsenker, VN Baumer, LV Chepeleva, ...
Molecular Engineering 3, 353-363, 1994
Inverse-ordered fabrication of free-standing CNT sheets for supercapacitor
Y Koo, VN Shanov, S Yarmolenko, M Schulz, J Sankar, Y Yun
Langmuir 31 (27), 7616-7622, 2015
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Articles 1–20