M.S Seghilani
M.S Seghilani
Postdoctoral fellow
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Cited by
Vortex Laser based on III-V semiconductor metasurface: direct generation of coherent Laguerre-Gauss modes carrying controlled orbital angular momentum
MS Seghilani, M Myara, M Sellahi, L Legratiet, I Sagnes, G Beaudoin, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-12, 2016
Eigenmodes of spin vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with local linear birefringence and gain dichroism
T Fördös, H Jaffrès, K Postava, MS Seghilani, A Garnache, J Pištora, ...
Physical Review A 96 (4), 043828, 2017
Full-field broadband invisibility through reversible wave frequency-spectrum control
L Romero Cortés, M Seghilani, R Maram, J Azaña
Optica 5 (7), 779-786, 2018
Planar Porous Components for Low‐Loss Terahertz Optics
H Guerboukha, K Nallappan, Y Cao, M Seghilani, J Azaña, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (15), 1900236, 2019
Self-mixing in low-noise semiconductor vortex laser: detection of a rotational Doppler shift in backscattered light
M Seghilani, M Myara, I Sagnes, B Chomet, R Bendoula, A Garnache
Optics Letters 40 (24), 5778-5781, 2015
Demonstration of input-to-output gain and temporal noise mitigation in a Talbot amplifier
R Maram, M Seghilani, J Jeon, XZ Li, LR Cortés, J van Howe, J Azaña
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (8), 665-668, 2018
Photonic crystal-based flat lens integrated on a Bragg mirror for high-Q external cavity low noise laser
MS Seghilani, M Sellahi, M Devautour, P Lalanne, I Sagnes, G Beaudoin, ...
Optics Express 22 (5), 5962-5976, 2014
Sub-THz optical frequency comb generation by efficient repetition-rate multiplication of a 250-MHz mode-locked laser
XZ Li, M Seghilani, LR Cortés, J Azana
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27 (2), 1-10, 2020
All-Fiber OAM Generation/Conversion Using Helically Patterned Photonic Crystal Fiber
M Seghilani, J Azaña
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (4), 347-350, 2018
Effect of on band alignment of compressively strained Ga1−xInxNy As1−y−zSbz/GaAs quantum well structures
VJP Aissat A, Nacer S, Seghilani
Physica E Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (PHYSICA E ) 43 (1), 40–44, 2010
Diffraction-induced bidimensional Talbot self-imaging with full independent period control
H Guillet de Chatellus, L Romero Cortés, A Deville, M Seghilani, J Azaña
Physical review letters 118 (13), 133903, 2017
Mitigating nonlinear propagation impairments of ultrashort pulses by fractional temporal self-imaging
M Seghilani, R Maram, J Azaña
Optics Letters 42 (4), 879-882, 2017
Generation of new spatial and temporal coherent states using VECSEL technology: VORTEX, high order Laguerre-Gauss mode, continuum source
M Sellahi, MS Seghilani, I Sagnes, G Beaudoin, X Lafosse, L Legratiet, ...
Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV 8966, 156-162, 2014
Generation of a 128-GHz optical pulse train from a 250-MHz frequency comb using temporal self-imaging
M Seghilani, R Maram, LR Cortés, J Azaña
2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 141-142, 2017
Highly coherent III-V-semiconductor laser emitting phase-, amplitude-and polarization-structured light for advanced sensing applications: Vortex, SPIN, Feedback Dynamics
MS Seghilani
Université Montpellier, 2015
Generalized Talbot self-healing and noise mitigation of faulty periodic images
L Romero Cortés, H Guillet de Chatellus, A Deville, M Seghilani, I Hamam, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 37 (3), 384-390, 2020
Ultra-dense CEO-stabilized broadband optical frequency comb generation through simple, programmable, and lossless 1000-fold frequency-spacing division
XZ Li, M Seghilani, R Maram, LR Cortés, J Azaña
IEEE Photonics Journal 11 (6), 1-12, 2019
Generation of new spatial and temporal coherent light states using III-V semiconductor laser technology: VORTEX, continuum, dual frequency for THz
A Garnache, M Seghilani, R Paquet, M Sellhai, B Chomet, M Myara, ...
Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) VI 9734, 43-50, 2016
Mirror with polarizing beam splitter for LIDAR system
RT Davis, MS Seghilani, RS D'alo
US Patent 12,111,420, 2024
Generation of a CEO-stabilized optical frequency comb with programmable sub-MHz FSR using spectral self-imaging
M Seghilani, XZ Li, R Maram, LR Cortés, J Azaña
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, JTh2A. 157, 2018
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Articles 1–20