Amsini Sadiki
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A digital filter based generation of inflow data for spatially developing direct numerical or large eddy simulations
M Klein, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Journal of computational Physics 186 (2), 652-665, 2003
Large eddy simulation of turbulent combustion systems
J Janicka, A Sadiki
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 537-547, 2005
Assessment of unsteady RANS in predicting swirl flow instability based on LES and experiments
B Wegner, A Maltsev, C Schneider, A Sadiki, A Dreizler, J Janicka
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 25 (3), 528-536, 2004
Comparative study of turbulent mixing in jet in cross-flow configurations using LES
B Wegner, Y Huai, A Sadiki
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 25 (5), 767-775, 2004
Large eddy simulation based analysis of the effects of cycle-to-cycle variations on air–fuel mixing in realistic DISI IC-engines
D Goryntsev, A Sadiki, M Klein, J Janicka
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 2759-2766, 2009
Investigation of the influence of the Reynolds number on a plane jet using direct numerical simulation
M Klein, A Sadiki, J Janicka
International journal of heat and fluid flow 24 (6), 785-794, 2003
Experimental and numerical investigation of the primary breakup of an airblasted liquid sheet
K Warncke, S Gepperth, B Sauer, A Sadiki, J Janicka, R Koch, HJ Bauer
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 91, 208-224, 2017
A discrete model for the apparent viscosity of polydisperse suspensions including maximum packing fraction
A Dörr, A Sadiki, A Mehdizadeh
Journal of Rheology 57 (3), 743-765, 2013
Partially premixed reacting acetone spray using LES and FGM tabulated chemistry
M Chrigui, J Gounder, A Sadiki, AR Masri, J Janicka
Combustion and flame 159 (8), 2718-2741, 2012
Comprehensive numerical study of the Adelaide Jet in Hot-Coflow burner by means of RANS and detailed chemistry
Z Li, A Cuoci, A Sadiki, A Parente
Energy 139, 555-570, 2017
Investigation of turbulence modification in a non-reactive two-phase flow
S Geiss, A Dreizler, Z Stojanovic, M Chrigui, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Experiments in Fluids 36 (2), 344-354, 2004
Modeling and simulation of effects of turbulence on vaporization, mixing and combustion of liquid-fuel sprays
A Sadiki, M Chrigui, J Janicka, MR Maneshkarimi
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 75 (1-4), 105-130, 2005
Investigation of combustion noise using a LES/CAA hybrid approach
F Flemming, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 3189-3196, 2007
Unsteady methods (URANS and LES) for simulation of combustion systems
A Sadiki, A Maltsev, B Wegner, F Flemming, A Kempf, J Janicka
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 45 (8), 760-773, 2006
A turbulence-chemistry interaction model based on a multivariate presumed beta-pdf method for turbulent flames
T Landenfeld, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Flow, turbulence and combustion 68 (2), 111-135, 2002
Large-eddy simulation of a counterflow configuration with and without combustion
A Kempf, H Forkel, JY Chen, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (1), 35-40, 2000
Prediction of finite chemistry effects using large eddy simulation
A Kempf, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (2), 1979-1985, 2002
Numerical analysis of turbulent flow dynamics and heat transport in a round jet at supercritical conditions
F Ries, P Obando, I Shevchuck, J Janicka, A Sadiki
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 66, 172-184, 2017
Large eddy simulation of a polydisperse ethanol spray flame
M Chrigui, AR Masri, A Sadiki, J Janicka
Flow, turbulence and combustion 90 (4), 813-832, 2013
Devolatilization and volatiles reaction of individual coal particles in the context of FGM tabulated chemistry
R Knappstein, G Kuenne, A Ketelheun, J Köser, L Becker, S Heuer, ...
Combustion and Flame 169, 72-84, 2016
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Articles 1–20