Introductory quantum optics CC Gerry, PL Knight Cambridge university press, 2023 | 3718 | 2023 |
Optical interferometry at the Heisenberg limit with twin Fock states and parity measurements RA Campos, CC Gerry, A Benmoussa Physical Review A 68 (2), 023810, 2003 | 251 | 2003 |
Generation of optical macroscopic quantum superposition states via state reduction with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer containing a Kerr medium CC Gerry Physical Review A 59 (5), 4095, 1999 | 234 | 1999 |
Dynamics of a Raman coupled model interacting with two quantized cavity fields CC Gerry, JH Eberly Physical Review A 42 (11), 6805, 1990 | 233 | 1990 |
Path integrals and coherent states of SU (2) and SU (1, 1) A Inomata, H Kuratsuji, CC Gerry World Scientific, 1992 | 228 | 1992 |
Dynamics of SU (1, 1) coherent states CC Gerry Physical Review A 31 (4), 2721, 1985 | 201 | 1985 |
Quantum superpositions and Schrödinger cat states in quantum optics CC Gerry, PL Knight American Journal of Physics 65 (10), 964-974, 1997 | 198 | 1997 |
Generation of Schrödinger cats and entangled coherent states in the motion of a trapped ionby a dispersive interaction CC Gerry Physical Review A 55 (3), 2478, 1997 | 187 | 1997 |
Generation of maximally entangled photonic states with a quantum-optical Fredkin gate CC Gerry, RA Campos Physical Review A 64 (6), 063814, 2001 | 186 | 2001 |
Heisenberg-limit interferometry with four-wave mixers operating in a nonlinear regime CC Gerry Physical Review A 61 (4), 043811, 2000 | 184 | 2000 |
Preparation of multiatom entangled states through dispersive atom–cavity-field interactions CC Gerry Physical Review A 53 (4), 2857, 1996 | 173 | 1996 |
Two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model interacting with the squeezed vacuum CC Gerry Physical Review A 37 (7), 2683, 1988 | 173 | 1988 |
The parity operator in quantum optical metrology CC Gerry, J Mimih Contemporary Physics 51 (6), 497-511, 2010 | 157 | 2010 |
Non-classical properties of even and odd coherent states CC Gerry Journal of Modern Optics 40 (6), 1053-1071, 1993 | 152 | 1993 |
Application of SU (1, 1) coherent states to the interaction of squeezed light in an anharmonic oscillator CC Gerry Physical Review A 35 (5), 2146, 1987 | 139 | 1987 |
Generation of even and odd coherent states in a competitive two-photon process CC Gerry, EE Hach III Physics Letters A 174 (3), 185-189, 1993 | 132 | 1993 |
Proposal for a mesoscopic cavity QED realization of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state CC Gerry Physical Review A 54 (4), R2529, 1996 | 128 | 1996 |
Nonlinear interferometer as a resource for maximally entangled photonic states: Application to interferometry CC Gerry, A Benmoussa, RA Campos Physical Review A 66 (1), 013804, 2002 | 127 | 2002 |
Correlated two-mode SU (1, 1) coherent states: nonclassical properties CC Gerry JOSA B 8 (3), 685-690, 1991 | 126 | 1991 |
Photon-subtracted two-mode squeezed vacuum states and applications to quantum optical interferometry R Carranza, CC Gerry JOSA B 29 (9), 2581-2587, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |