Brandon C. Wood
Cited by
Cited by
Nanostructured metal hydrides for hydrogen storage
A Schneemann, JL White, SY Kang, S Jeong, LF Wan, ES Cho, TW Heo, ...
Chemical reviews 118 (22), 10775-10839, 2018
Self-optimizing, highly surface-active layered metal dichalcogenide catalysts for hydrogen evolution
Y Liu, J Wu, KP Hackenberg, J Zhang, YM Wang, Y Yang, K Keyshar, ...
Nature Energy 2 (9), 1-7, 2017
An assessment of strategies for the development of solid-state adsorbents for vehicular hydrogen storage
MD Allendorf, Z Hulvey, T Gennett, A Ahmed, T Autrey, J Camp, ES Cho, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (10), 2784-2812, 2018
Periodic porous 3D electrodes mitigate gas bubble traffic during alkaline water electrolysis at high current densities
T Kou, S Wang, R Shi, T Zhang, S Chiovoloni, JQ Lu, W Chen, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (46), 2002955, 2020
First-principles-inspired design strategies for graphene-based supercapacitor electrodes
BC Wood, T Ogitsu, M Otani, J Biener
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (1), 4-15, 2014
Structural, Chemical, and Dynamical Frustration: Origins of Superionic Conductivity in closo-Borate Solid Electrolytes
KE Kweon, JB Varley, P Shea, N Adelstein, P Mehta, TW Heo, TJ Udovic, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (21), 9142-9153, 2017
Using ultramicroporous carbon for the selective removal of nitrate with capacitive deionization
SA Hawks, MR Cerón, DI Oyarzun, TA Pham, C Zhan, CK Loeb, D Mew, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (18), 10863-10870, 2019
Kinetic modeling of phase transformations occurring in the HAZ of C-Mn steel welds based on direct observations
JW Elmer, TA Palmer, W Zhang, B Wood, T DebRoy
Acta Materialia 51 (12), 3333-3349, 2003
Methane and carbon dioxide adsorption on edge-functionalized graphene: a comparative DFT study
BC Wood, SY Bhide, D Dutta, VS Kandagal, AD Pathak, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (5), 2012
Macroscopic 3D nanographene with dynamically tunable bulk properties
J Biener, S Dasgupta, L Shao, D Wang, MA Worsley, A Wittstock, JRI Lee, ...
Advanced Materials, 2012
Material Design Strategy for Halide Solid Electrolytes Li3MX6 (X = Cl, Br, and I) for All-Solid-State High-Voltage Li-Ion Batteries
K Kim, D Park, HG Jung, KY Chung, JH Shim, BC Wood, S Yu
Chemistry of Materials 33 (10), 3669-3677, 2021
Assessing carbon-based anodes for lithium-ion batteries: a universal description of charge-transfer binding
Y Liu, YM Wang, BI Yakobson, BC Wood
Physical review letters 113 (2), 028304, 2014
Hierarchically controlled inside‐out doping of Mg nanocomposites for moderate temperature hydrogen storage
ES Cho, AM Ruminski, YS Liu, PT Shea, SY Kang, EW Zaia, JY Park, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (47), 1704316, 2017
Proton dynamics in superprotonic CsHSO_ {4}
BC Wood, N Marzari
Physical Review B 76 (13), 134301, 2007
Understanding ionic conductivity trends in polyborane solid electrolytes from ab initio molecular dynamics
JB Varley, K Kweon, P Mehta, P Shea, TW Heo, TJ Udovic, V Stavila, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (1), 250-255, 2017
Role of Dynamically Frustrated Bond Disorder in a Li+ Superionic Solid Electrolyte
N Adelstein, BC Wood
Chemistry of Materials 28 (20), 7218-7231, 2016
Hydrogen-bond dynamics of water at the interface with InP/GaP (001) and the implications for photoelectrochemistry
BC Wood, E Schwegler, WI Choi, T Ogitsu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (42), 15774-15783, 2013
Carbon Incorporation and Anion Dynamics as Synergistic Drivers for Ultrafast Diffusion in Superionic LiCB11H12 and NaCB11H12
M Dimitrievska, P Shea, KE Kweon, M Bercx, JB Varley, WS Tang, ...
Advanced energy materials 8 (15), 1703422, 2018
Oxide‐based solid‐state batteries: a perspective on composite cathode architecture
Y Ren, T Danner, A Moy, M Finsterbusch, T Hamann, J Dippell, T Fuchs, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (1), 2201939, 2023
Specific ion effects at graphitic interfaces
C Zhan, MR Cerón, SA Hawks, M Otani, BC Wood, TA Pham, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4858, 2019
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Articles 1–20