Eric Le Carpentier
Eric Le Carpentier
Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes
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Cited by
A long-term model of the glucose–insulin dynamics of type 1 diabetes
N Magdelaine, L Chaillous, I Guilhem, JY Poirier, M Krempf, CH Moog, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (6), 1546-1552, 2015
A tentative typology of audio source separation tasks
E Vincent, C Févotte, R Gribonval, L Benaroya, X Rodet, A Röbel, ...
4th Int. Symp. on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation …, 2003
Individuals have unique muscle activation signatures as revealed during gait and pedaling
F Hug, C Vogel, K Tucker, S Dorel, T Deschamps, É Le Carpentier, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 127 (4), 1165-1174, 2019
A testing system for a real-time gesture classification using surface EMG
K Akhmadeev, E Rampone, T Yu, Y Aoustin, E Le Carpentier
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 11498-11503, 2017
Enhanced sampling schemes for MCMC based blind Bernoulli–Gaussian deconvolution
D Ge, J Idier, E Le Carpentier
Signal Processing 91 (4), 759-772, 2011
Unsupervised Bayesian decomposition of multiunit EMG recordings using Tabu search
D Ge, E Le Carpentier, D Farina
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 57 (3), 561-571, 2009
Non stationary signals classification using time-frequency distributions
I Vincent, C Doncarli, E Le Carpentier
Proceedings of IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time …, 1994
Sequential decoding of intramuscular EMG signals via estimation of a Markov model
J Monsifrot, E Le Carpentier, Y Aoustin, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (5 …, 2014
Spike sorting by stochastic simulation
D Ge, E Le Carpentier, J Idier, D Farina
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 19 (3 …, 2011
Walking gait step length asymmetry induced by handheld device
M Abid, V Renaudin, Y Aoustin, E Le-Carpentier, T Robert
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (11 …, 2017
Identification of a linear parameter varying driver model for the detection of distraction
A Ameyoe, P Chevrel, E Le-Carpentier, F Mars, H Illy
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (26), 37-42, 2015
Lane level positioning using particle filtering
A Selloum, D Betaille, E Le Carpentier, F Peyret
2009 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2009
A new MCMC algorithm for blind Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution
D Ge, J Idier, E Le Carpentier
2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2008
Simulation of motor unit action potential recordings from intramuscular multichannel scanning electrodes
A Konstantin, T Yu, E Le Carpentier, Y Aoustin, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (7), 2005-2014, 2019
Robustification of a map aided location process using road direction
A Selloum, D Bétaille, E Le Carpentier, F Peyret
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Diagnostic des entraˆınements électriques: détection de courts-circuits statoriques dans la machine asynchrone par identification paramétrique
E Schaeffer, É Le Carpentier, LL El Hadi Zaım
Recursive decomposition of electromyographic signals with a varying number of active sources: Bayesian modeling and filtering
T Yu, K Akhmadeev, E Le Carpentier, Y Aoustin, R Gross, Y Péréon, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (2), 428-440, 2019
Failure detection in induction machines by means of parametric identification
E Schaeffer, E Le Carpentier, ME Zaim, L Loron
computational Engineering in systems Applications, 1998
Unbalanced induction machine simulation dedicated to condition monitoring
E Schaeffer, ME Zaïm, E Le Carpentier
Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Electrical Machines, 414-419, 1998
On-line recursive decomposition of intramuscular EMG signals using GPU-implemented Bayesian filtering
T Yu, K Akhmadeev, E Le Carpentier, Y Aoustin, D Farina
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (6), 1806-1818, 2019
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Articles 1–20