Dianyu E
Dianyu E
JiangXi University of Science and Technology
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Mg bone implant: Features, developments and perspectives
Y Yang, C He, D E, W Yang, F Qi, D Xie, L Shen, S Peng, C Shuai
Materials & Design 185, 108259, 2020
DEM-based virtual experimental blast furnace: A quasi-steady state model
Q Hou, D E, S Kuang, Z Li, AB Yu
Powder technology 314, 557-566, 2017
Particle-scale study of coke combustion in the raceway of an ironmaking blast furnace
E Dianyu, P Zhou, S Guo, J Zeng, Q Xu, L Guo, Q Hou, A Yu
Fuel 311, 122490, 2022
Numerical investigation on the mutual interaction between heat transfer and non-spherical particle dynamics in the blast furnace raceway
G Wei, H Zhang, X An, D E
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 153, 119577, 2020
A process scaling approach for CFD-DEM modelling of thermochemical behaviours in moving bed reactors
Q Hou, D E, S Kuang, A Yu
Fuel Processing Technology 202, 106369, 2020
Discrete particle modeling of lateral jets into a packed bed and micromechanical analysis of the stability of raceways
Q Hou, D E, A Yu
AIChE Journal 62 (12), 4240-4250, 2016
Particle shape effect on hydrodynamics and heat transfer in spouted bed: A CFD–DEM study
E Dianyu, P Zhou, S Guo, J Zeng, J Cui, Y Jiang, Y Lu, Z Jiang, Z Li, ...
Particuology 69, 10-21, 2022
A Transient Discrete Element Method‐Based Virtual Experimental Blast Furnace Model
Q Hou, D E, S Kuang, A Yu
steel research international 91 (8), 2000071, 2020
Structure, compression and thermally insulating properties of cellulose diacetate-based aerogels
S Zhang, X Huang, J Feng, F Qi, D E, Y Jiang, L Li, S Xiong, J Feng
Materials & Design, 108502, 2020
Validation of CFD–DEM model for iron ore reduction at particle level and parametric study
Particuology, 2020
Particle-scale modelling of injected hydrogen and coke co-combustion in the raceway of an ironmaking blast furnace
E Dianyu, P Zhou, L Ji, J Cui, Q Xu, L Guo, A Yu
Fuel 336, 126778, 2023
Numerical Simulation of Tracers Transport Process in Water Model of a Vacuum Refining Unit–Single Snorkel Refining Furnace
Y Zhang, C Chen, W Lin, Y Yu, D E, S Wang
steel research international, 0
Numerical study of the multiphase flows and separation performance of hydrocyclone with tapered cross-section inlet
E Dianyu, H Fan, Z Su, G Xu, R Zou, A Yu, S Kuang
Powder Technology 416, 118208, 2023
Thermal conductivities of cellulose diacetate based aerogels
S Zhang, X Huang, J Feng, F Qi, D E, Y Jiang, L Li, S Xiong, J Feng
Cellulose, 1-10, 2020
Influence of center gas supply device on gas–solid flow in COREX shaft furnace through DEM–CFD model
H Zhou, S Wang, B Du, M Kou, Z Tang, J Yang, S Wu, E Dianyu
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 18 (5-6), 2020
Numerical investigation of hydrocyclone inlet configurations for improving separation performance
E Dianyu, G Xu, H Fan, J Cui, C Tan, Y Zhang, R Zou, S Kuang, A Yu
Powder Technology 434, 119384, 2024
Temperature‐Triggered Switchable Dielectric Constants in Zinc‐Based Hybrid Organic‐Inorganic Compounds: (C3H6NH2)2[ZnX4] (X = Cl and Br)
C Shi, MM Hua, ZX Gong, JJ Ma, CF Wang, H Liang, DY E, FW Qi, ...
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019 (42), 4601-4604, 2019
Multi-objective optimization of hydrocyclones using meta-heuristic algorithms and preference-informed decision-making
C Tan, H Hu, Q Ye, E Dianyu, J Cui, Z Zhou, S Kuang, R Zou, A Yu
Powder Technology 444, 120050, 2024
Numerical investigation of mixed layer effect on permeability in a dynamic blast furnace
E Dianyu
Eng Rep 2 (5), e12166, 2020
Prediction of instantaneous flow characteristics of hydrocyclone with long short-term memory network based on computational fluid dynamics data
E Dianyu, G Xu, J Cui, Q Ye, C Tan, R Zou, A Yu, S Kuang
Powder Technology 439, 119668, 2024
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Articles 1–20