Philip B. Snyder
Philip B. Snyder
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Edge localized modes and the pedestal: A model based on coupled peeling–ballooning modes
PB Snyder, HR Wilson, JR Ferron, LL Lao, AW Leonard, TH Osborne, ...
Physics of Plasmas 9 (5), 2037-2043, 2002
Edge stability and transport control with resonant magnetic perturbations in collisionless tokamak plasmas
TE Evans, RA Moyer, KH Burrell, ME Fenstermacher, I Joseph, ...
nature physics 2 (6), 419-423, 2006
BOUT++: A framework for parallel plasma fluid simulations
BD Dudson, MV Umansky, XQ Xu, PB Snyder, HR Wilson
Computer Physics Communications 180 (9), 1467-1480, 2009
A first-principles predictive model of the pedestal height and width: development, testing and ITER optimization with the EPED model
PB Snyder, RJ Groebner, JW Hughes, TH Osborne, M Beurskens, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (10), 103016, 2011
Numerical studies of edge localized instabilities in tokamaks
HR Wilson, PB Snyder, GTA Huysmans, RL Miller
Physics of Plasmas 9 (4), 1277-1286, 2002
Development and validation of a predictive model for the pedestal height
PB Snyder, RJ Groebner, AW Leonard, TH Osborne, HR Wilson
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Integrated modeling applications for tokamak experiments with OMFIT
O Meneghini, SP Smith, LL Lao, O Izacard, Q Ren, JM Park, J Candy, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (8), 083008, 2015
Overview of the SPARC tokamak
AJ Creely, MJ Greenwald, SB Ballinger, D Brunner, J Canik, J Doody, ...
Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (5), 865860502, 2020
Stability and dynamics of the edge pedestal in the low collisionality regime: physics mechanisms for steady-state ELM-free operation
PB Snyder, KH Burrell, HR Wilson, MS Chu, ME Fenstermacher, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (8), 961, 2007
Pedestal stability comparison and ITER pedestal prediction
PB Snyder, N Aiba, M Beurskens, RJ Groebner, LD Horton, AE Hubbard, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49, 085035, 2009
ELMs and constraints on the H-mode pedestal: peeling–ballooning stability calculation and comparison with experiment
PB Snyder, HR Wilson, JR Ferron, LL Lao, AW Leonard, D Mossessian, ...
Nuclear fusion 44 (2), 320, 2004
Landau fluid models of collisionless magnetohydrodynamics
PB Snyder, GW Hammett, W Dorland
Physics of Plasmas 4 (11), 3974-3985, 1997
Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review
RJ Hawryluk, DJ Campbell, G Janeschitz, PR Thomas, R Albanese, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (6), 065012, 2009
Edge-Localized-Mode Suppression through Density-Profile Modification<? format?> with Lithium-Wall Coatings in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
R Maingi, TH Osborne, BP LeBlanc, RE Bell, J Manickam, PB Snyder, ...
Physical Review Letters 103 (7), 075001, 2009
The EPED pedestal model and edge localized mode-suppressed regimes: studies of quiescent H-mode and development of a model for edge localized mode suppression via resonant …
PB Snyder, TH Osborne, KH Burrell, RJ Groebner, AW Leonard, ...
Physics of plasmas 19 (5), 2012
Progress in the peeling-ballooning model of edge localized modes: Numerical studies of nonlinear dynamics
PB Snyder, HR Wilson, XQ Xu
Physics of Plasmas 12 (5), 2005
Pedestal bifurcation and resonant field penetration at the threshold of edge-localized mode suppression in the DIII-D tokamak
R Nazikian, C Paz-Soldan, JD Callen, JS DeGrassie, D Eldon, TE Evans, ...
Physical review letters 114 (10), 105002, 2015
Overview of the results on divertor heat loads in RMP controlled H-mode plasmas on DIII-D
MW Jakubowski, TE Evans, ME Fenstermacher, M Groth, CJ Lasnier, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (9), 095013, 2009
Nonlinear Simulations of Peeling-Ballooning Modes with Anomalous<? format?> Electron Viscosity and their Role in Edge Localized Mode Crashes
XQ Xu, B Dudson, PB Snyder, MV Umansky, H Wilson
Physical review letters 105 (17), 175005, 2010
Effect of island overlap on edge localized mode suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D
ME Fenstermacher, TE Evans, TH Osborne, MJ Schaffer, MP Aldan, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
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Articles 1–20