Thierry Massart
Infinite state model checking by abstract interpretation and program specialisation
M Leuschel, T Massart
International Workshop on Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 62-81, 1999
How to make FDR spin LTL model checking of CSP by refinement
M Leuschel, A Currie, T Massart
FME 2001: Formal Methods for Increasing Software Productivity: International …, 2001
On the complexity of partial order trace model checking
T Massart, C Meuter, L Van Begin
Information processing letters 106 (3), 120-126, 2008
Efficient approximate verification of B and Z models via symmetry markers
M Leuschel, T Massart
Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence 59 (1), 81-106, 2010
Efficient verification of counting abstractions for parametric systems
L Van Begin
Université libre de Bruxelles, 2004
Monitoring distributed controllers: When an efficient LTL algorithm on sequences is needed to model-check traces
A Genon, T Massart, C Meuter
FM 2006: Formal Methods: 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods …, 2006
Synthesis of communicating controllers for distributed systems
G Kalyon, T Le Gall, H Marchand, T Massart
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Infinite synchronizing words for probabilistic automata
L Doyen, T Massart, M Shirmohammadi
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 278-289, 2011
The formal design of distributed controllers with dSL and Spin
BD Wachter, A Genon, T Massart, C Meuter
Formal Aspects of Computing 17, 177-200, 2005
dsl: An environment with automatic code distribution for industrial control systems
B De Wachter, T Massart, C Meuter
Principles of Distributed Systems: 7th International Conference, OPODIS 2003 …, 2004
Specification, Validation and Verification of Real-Time Systems in ET-LOTOS
C Hernalsteen
Université libre de Bruxelles, 1998
Symbolic supervisory control of distributed systems with communications
G Kalyon, T Le Gall, H Marchand, T Massart
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (2), 396-408, 2013
A calculus to define correct transformations of LOTOS specifications
T Massart
Formal Description Techniques, IV, 281-296, 1992
Efficient online monitoring of LTL properties for asynchronous distributed systems
T Massart, C Meuter
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Tech. Rep 3, 2006
Symbolic supervisory control of infinite transition systems under partial observation using abstract interpretation
G Kalyon, T Le Gall, H Marchand, T Massart
Discrete event dynamic systems 22 (2), 121-161, 2012
Synchronizing objectives for Markov decision processes
L Doyen, T Massart, M Shirmohammadi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.4121, 2011
Control of infinite symbolic transition systems under partial observation
G Kalyon, T Le Gall, H Marchand, T Massart
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 1456-1462, 2009
Logic programming and partial deduction for the verification of reactive systems: An experimental evaluation
M Leuschel, T Massart
University of Birmingham, 2002
Testing distributed systems through symbolic model checking
G Kalyon, T Massart, C Meuter, L Van Begin
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems–FORTE 2007: 27th …, 2007
Efficient approximate verification of promela models via symmetry markers
D Bošnački, AF Donaldson, M Leuschel, T Massart
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 5th International …, 2007
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