Horacio Castillo
Horacio Castillo
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Heterogeneous aging in spin glasses
HE Castillo, C Chamon, LF Cugliandolo, MP Kennett
Physical review letters 88 (23), 237201, 2002
Exact calculation of multifractal exponents of the critical wave function of Dirac fermions in a random magnetic field
HE Castillo, CC Chamon, E Fradkin, PM Goldbart, C Mudry
Physical Review B 56 (16), 10668, 1997
Randomly crosslinked macromolecular systems: vulcanization transition to and properties of the amorphous solid state
PM Goldbart, HE Castillo, A Zippelius
Advances in Physics 45 (5), 393-468, 1996
Spatially heterogeneous ages in glassy systems
HE Castillo, C Chamon, LF Cugliandolo, JL Iguain, MP Kennett
Physical Review B 68 (13), 134442, 2003
Separation of time scales and reparametrization invariance for aging systems
C Chamon, MP Kennett, HE Castillo, LF Cugliandolo
Physical review letters 89 (21), 217201, 2002
Local fluctuations in the ageing of a simple structural glass
HE Castillo, A Parsaeian
Nature physics 3 (1), 26-28, 2007
Distribution of localisation lengths in randomly crosslinked macromolecular networks
HE Castillo, PM Goldbart, A Zippelius
Europhysics Letters 28 (7), 519, 1994
Growth of spatial correlations in the aging of a simple structural glass
A Parsaeian, HE Castillo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (6 …, 2008
Universality and its origins at the amorphous solidification transition
W Peng, HE Castillo, PM Goldbart, A Zippelius
Physical Review B 57 (2), 839, 1998
Hall conductivity and Fermi surface in highly correlated systems
HE Castillo, CA Balseiro
Physical review letters 68 (1), 121, 1992
Freezing of dynamical exponents in low dimensional random media
HE Castillo, P Le Doussal
Physical review letters 86 (21), 4859, 2001
Collective excitations in superconductors: From Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory to Bose condensation
JO Sofo, CA Balseiro, HE Castillo
Physical Review B 45 (17), 9860, 1992
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium fluctuations in a glass-forming liquid
A Parsaeian, HE Castillo
Physical review letters 102 (5), 055704, 2009
Strong dynamical heterogeneity and universal scaling in driven granular fluids
KE Avila, HE Castillo, A Fiege, K Vollmayr-Lee, A Zippelius
Physical Review Letters 113 (2), 025701, 2014
Elasticity near the vulcanization transition
HE Castillo, PM Goldbart
Physical Review E 58 (1), R24, 1998
Extensive eigenvalues in spin-spin correlations: A tool for counting pure states in Ising spin glasses
J Sinova, G Canright, HE Castillo, AH MacDonald
Physical Review B 63 (10), 104427, 2001
Cellular reprogramming dynamics follow a simple 1D reaction coordinate
ST Pusuluri, AH Lang, P Mehta, HE Castillo
Physical Biology 15 (1), 016001, 2017
Time reparametrization symmetry in spin-glass models
HE Castillo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (21), 214430, 2008
Semimicroscopic theory of elasticity near the vulcanization transition
HE Castillo, PM Goldbart
Physical Review E 62 (6), 8159, 2000
Amorphous solid state: A locally stable thermodynamic phase of randomly constrained systems
HE Castillo, PM Goldbart, A Zippelius
Physical Review B 60 (21), 14702, 1999
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Articles 1–20