Edward D. Entsminger, Ph.D., M.S., AWB®, WPIT, FP-A
Edward D. Entsminger, Ph.D., M.S., AWB®, WPIT, FP-A
Extension Associate III at Mississippi State University
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Cited by
Cited by
Activated carbon derived from pyrolyzed pinewood char using elevated temperature, KOH, H3PO4, and H2O2
Y Lou, JT Street, PH Steele, ED Entsminger, VK Guda
BioResources 11 (4), 10433-10447, 2016
Machine grading of lumber—Practical concerns for lumber producers Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL–GTR–279
ED Entsminger, BK Brashaw, RD Seale, RJ Ross
Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL–GTR–279 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service …, 2020
North American Hardwoods Identification Using Machine-Learning
DVJ Lopes, GW Burgreen, ED Entsminger
Forests 11 (3), 298, 2020
Timber pile design and construction manual
JG Collin
Timber Piling Council American Wood Preservers Institute, 2002
Erratum to Evaluation of mowing frequency on right-of-way plant communities in Mississippi
ED Entsminger, JC Jones, JW Guyton, BK Strickland, BD Leopold
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9 (1), 349, 2018
Evaluation of Mowing Frequency on Right-of-Way Plant Communities in Mississippi
ED Entsminger, JC Jones, JW Guyton, BK Strickland, BD Leopold
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8 (1), 125-139, 2017
Southeastern Grasslands: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Management
JVG Hill, JA Barone, C Allen, BT Baker
The University of Alabama Press, 2018
Alternative Mowing Regimes’ Influence on Native Plants and Deer: SS228 Final Project Report
JW Guyton, JC Jones, ED Entsminger
Final Project Report, Report No. FHWA/MDOT–RD–14–228. Jackson, Mississippi …, 2014
The effects of densification on rolling shear performance of southern yellow pine cross-laminated timber
S Pradhan, ED Entsminger, M Mohammadabadi, K Ragon, WN Nkeuwa
Construction and Building Materials 392 (August 2023), 132024, 2023
Production of yellow poplar interior plywood with cottonseed-based protein adhesives
R Shmulsky, MK Dowd, DJV Lopes, GD Miller Jr., ED Entsminger
Wood and Fiber Science 53 (3), 206-215, 2021
Mowing Effects on Woody Stem Density and Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation Heights along Mississippi Highway Right-of-Ways
ED Entsminger, JC Jones, JW Guyton, BD Leopold, BK Strickland
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10 (1), 19-37, 2019
Creating high-resolution microscopic cross-section images of hardwood species using generative adversarial networks.
DJV Lopes, GF Monti, GW Burgreen, JC Moulin, GDS Bobadilha, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science - Technical Advances in Plant Science 12 (October …, 2021
Identification of North American softwoods via machine-learning.
DJV Lopes, GS Bobadilha, GW Burgreen, ED Entsminger
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (9), 1245-1252, 2021
Field Test of a Novel Nondestructive Testing Device on Wood Distribution Poles
RD Seale, R Shmulsky, ED Entsminger, A Bartuli, S Belalami
Journal of Wood and Fiber Science 48 (3), 156-161, 2016
Nondestructive Evaluation of Red Oak and White Oak Species
CG Turkot, RD Seale, ED Entsminger, FJN França, R Shmulsky
Forest Products Journal 70 (3), 370–377, 2020
Improvement value of forest resources by use of cottonseed protein meal as a bio-based wood adhesive for hardwood plywood products
ED Entsminger
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, 2022
Chapter 17: Highway Right-of-Way Mowing Regimens in Northeastern Mississippi: Effects on Native Prairie Plant Species
ED Entsminger, JW Guyton, RB Iglay, JC Jones
Southeastern Grasslands: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Management 1, 256–263, 2018
Plant community response to reduced mowing regimens along highway right-of-ways in Northeastern Mississippi
ED Entsminger
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, 2014
Plant community response to reduced mowing regimens along highway right-of-ways in Northeastern Mississippi
ED Entsminger
Mississippi State University, 2014
Development of a High-Performance Building Material Using Wood-based Corrugated Panels Manufactured via Cold-Forming Technique.
S Pradhan, M Mohammadabadi, E Entsminger, K Ragon, L Khademibami, ...
BioResources 18 (3), 4666-4675, 2023
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