Pankaj K. Jha
Pankaj K. Jha
Assistant Professor, EECS Syracuse University
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Metasurface-Enabled Remote Quantum Interference
PK Jha, X Ni, C Wu, Y Wang, X Zhang
Physical Review Letters 115 (2), 025501, 2015
Quantum-coherence-enhanced surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
KE Dorfman, PK Jha, DV Voronine, P Genevet, F Capasso, MO Scully
Physical Review Letters 111 (4), 043601, 2013
Nonreciprocal Localization of Photons
H Ramezani, PK Jha, Y Wang, X Zhang
Physical Review Letters 120 (4), 043901, 2018
Metasurface-Mediated Quantum Entanglement
PK Jha, N Shitrit, J Kim, X Ren, Y Wang, X Zhang
ACS Photonics 5 (3), 971, 2018
Time-Resolved Surface-Enhanced Coherent Sensing of Nanoscale Molecular Complexes
DV Voronine, AM Sinyukov, X Hua, K Wang, PK Jha, E Munusamy, ...
Scientific Report 2, 891, 2012
Coherent control of atomic excitation using off-resonant strong few-cycle pulses
PK Jha, H Eleuch, YV Rostovtsev
Physical Review A 82 (4), 045805, 2010
Using Quantum Coherence to Generate Gain in the XUV and X-Ray: Gain-Swept Superradiance and Lasing Without Inversion
EA Sete, AA Svidzinsky, YV Rostovtsev, H Eleuch, PK Jha, S Suckewer, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (1), 541-553, 2012
Spontaneous Exciton Valley Coherence in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers Interfaced with an Anisotropic Metasurface
PK Jha, N Shitrit, X Ren, Y Wang, X Zhang
Physical Review Letters 121, 116102, 2018
Mid-Infrared Radiative Emission from Bright Hot Plasmons in Graphene
L Kim, S Kim, PK Jha, VW Brar, HA Atwater
Nature Materials 20, 805-811, 2021
Temperature-dependent Spectral Emission of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Quantum Emitters on Conductive and Dielectric Substrates
H Akbari, WH Lin, B Vest, PK Jha, HA Atwater
Physical Review Applied 15, 014036, 2021
Analytical solution to position dependent mass Schrödinger equation
PK Jha, H Eleuch, YV Rostovtsev
Journal of Modern Optics 58 (8), 652-656, 2011
Coherent excitation of a two-level atom driven by a far-off-resonant classical field: Analytical solutions
PK Jha, YV Rostovtsev
Physical Review A 81 (3), 033827, 2010
Quantum coherence-assisted propagation of surface plasmon polaritons
PK Jha, X Yin, X Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 102 (9), 091111, 2013
Complete characterization of the spasing (L-L) curve of a three-level quantum coherence enhanced spaser for design optimization
L Kumarapperuma, M Premaratne, PK Jha, MI Stockman, GP Agrawal
Applied Physics Letters 112, 201108, 2018
Coherence-Driven Topological Transition in Quantum Metamaterials
PK Jha, M Mrejen, J Kim, C Wu, Y Wang, YV Rostovtsev, X Zhang
Physical Review Letters 116 (16), 165502, 2016
Analytical solutions for a two-level system driven by a class of chirped pulses
PK Jha, YV Rostovtsev
Physical Review A 82 (1), 015801, 2010
Lifetime Limited and Tunable Quantum Light Emission in h-BN via Electric Field Modulation
H Akbari, S Biswas, PK Jha, J Wong, B Vest, HA Atwater
Nano Letters 22, 7798, 2022
Experimental observation of carrier-envelope-phase effects by multicycle pulses
PK Jha, YV Rostovtsev, H Li, VA Sautenkov, MO Scully
Physical Review A 83 (3), 033404, 2011
Coherent Raman Umklappscattering
L Yuan, AA Lanin, PK Jha, AJ Traverso, DV Voronine, KE Dorfman, ...
Laser Physics Letters 8 (10), 736-741, 2011
Quantum-interference-controlled resonance profiles from lasing without inversion to photodetection
KE Dorfman, PK Jha, S Das
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 053803, 2011
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