Xian-Ming Bai
Xian-Ming Bai
Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
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Efficient annealing of radiation damage near grain boundaries via interstitial emission
XM Bai, AF Voter, RG Hoagland, M Nastasi, BP Uberuaga
Science 327 (5973), 1631-1634, 2010
Calculation of solid-liquid interfacial free energy: A classical nucleation theory based approach
XM Bai, M Li
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (12), 2006
Role of atomic structure on grain boundary-defect interactions in Cu
XM Bai, LJ Vernon, RG Hoagland, AF Voter, M Nastasi, BP Uberuaga
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (21), 214103, 2012
Anisotropic radiation-induced segregation in 316L austenitic stainless steel with grain boundary character
CM Barr, GA Vetterick, KA Unocic, K Hattar, XM Bai, ML Taheri
Acta Materialia 67, 145-155, 2014
The influence of grain boundaries on radiation-induced point defect production in materials: a review of atomistic studies
XM Bai, BP Uberuaga
Jom 65, 360-373, 2013
Particle dynamics simulations of a piston-based particle damper
XM Bai, B Shah, LM Keer, QJ Wang, RQ Snurr
Powder Technology 189 (1), 115-125, 2009
Multiscale modeling of thermal conductivity of high burnup structures in UO2 fuels
XM Bai, MR Tonks, Y Zhang, JD Hales
Journal of Nuclear Materials 470, 208-215, 2016
Defects in rutile and anatase polymorphs of TiO2: kinetics and thermodynamics near grain boundaries
BP Uberuaga, XM Bai
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (43), 435004, 2011
Investigation of particle damping mechanism via particle dynamics simulations
XM Bai, LM Keer, QJ Wang, RQ Snurr
Granular Matter 11, 417-429, 2009
Test of classical nucleation theory via molecular-dynamics simulation
XM Bai, M Li
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (22), 2005
Ring-diffusion mediated homogeneous melting in the superheating regime
XM Bai, M Li
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (13), 134109, 2008
Tunable helium bubble superlattice ordered by screw dislocation network
Z Di, XM Bai, Q Wei, J Won, RG Hoagland, Y Wang, A Misra, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (5), 052101, 2011
In situ TEM observation of dislocation evolution in Kr-irradiated UO2 single crystal
LF He, M Gupta, CA Yablinsky, J Gan, MA Kirk, XM Bai, J Pakarinen, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (1-3), 71-77, 2013
Anisotropic hydrogen diffusion in α-Zr and Zircaloy predicted by accelerated kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
Y Zhang, C Jiang, X Bai
Scientific reports 7 (1), 41033, 2017
Development of a grain boundary pinning model that considers particle size distribution using the phase field method
MR Tonks, Y Zhang, A Butterfield, XM Bai
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 23 (4), 045009, 2015
Formation of prismatic loops from C15 Laves phase interstitial clusters in body-centered cubic iron
Y Zhang, XM Bai, MR Tonks, SB Biner
Scripta materialia 98, 5-8, 2015
Demonstrating the temperature gradient impact on grain growth in UO2 using the phase field method
MR Tonks, Y Zhang, X Bai, PC Millett
Materials Research Letters 2 (1), 23-28, 2014
Homogeneous hydride formation path in α-Zr: Molecular dynamics simulations with the charge-optimized many-body potential
Y Zhang, XM Bai, J Yu, MR Tonks, MJ Noordhoek, SR Phillpot
Acta Materialia 111, 357-365, 2016
Effects of doping Yb3+, La3+, Ti4+, Hf4+, Ce4+ cations on the mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and electronic structures of Gd2Zr2O7
FA Zhao, HY Xiao, XM Bai, ZJ Liu, XT Zu
Journal of alloys and compounds 776, 306-318, 2019
Nucleation and melting from nanovoids
XM Bai, M Li
Nano letters 6 (10), 2284-2289, 2006
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Articles 1–20