Ajey Venkataraman
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Cited by
Study of grain-level deformation and residual stresses in Ti-7Al under combined bending and tension using high energy diffraction microscopy (HEDM)
K Chatterjee, A Venkataraman, T Garbaciak, J Rotella, MD Sangid, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 94, 35-49, 2016
Grain boundary sliding and slip transmission in high purity aluminum
MA Linne, A Venkataraman, MD Sangid, S Daly
Experimental Mechanics 59, 643-658, 2019
Criteria for the prevalence of grain boundary sliding as a deformation mechanism
A Venkataraman, M Linne, S Daly, MD Sangid
Materialia 8, 100499, 2019
Study of structure and deformation pathways in Ti-7Al using atomistic simulations, experiments, and characterization
A Venkataraman, PA Shade, R Adebisi, S Sathish, AL Pilchak, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 2222-2236, 2017
A crystal plasticity model with an atomistically informed description of grain boundary sliding for improved predictions of deformation fields
A Venkataraman, MD Sangid
Computational Materials Science 197, 110589, 2021
An initial framework for the rapid qualification of long-term creep rupture strength via microstructural modeling
A Venkataraman, MC Messner
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2021
Initial framework for engineering-scale statistical creep-fatigue modeling
A Rovinelli, A Venkataraman, MC Messner
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2021
Dwell-Fatigue of Ni-Based Superalloys with Serrated and Planar Grain Boundary Morphologies: The Role of the γ′ Phase on Strain Accumulation and Cavitation
J Rotella, AW Mello, A Venkataraman, R Buckingham, M Hardy, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52, 5079-5095, 2021
Microstructural Model for Creep-Fatigue Interaction in Grade 91 Steel
MC Messner, A Venkataraman, A Rovinelli, TL Sham
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2021
Deformation Mechanisms at Grain Boundaries in Polycrystals
S Daly, M Linne, A Venkataraman, M Sangid
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA (United States); Univ. of Michigan …, 2019
Deformation Mechanisms at Grain Boundaries in Polycrystals
MD Sangid, A Venkataraman
Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN (United States), 2019
Investigation of Deformation Mechanisms in High Purity Columnar Aluminum
M Linne, A Venkataraman, M Sangid, S Daly
Mechanics of Biological Systems & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 4 …, 2019
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Articles 1–12