Jérôme Comte
Jérôme Comte
Associate Professor, Institut national de la recherche scientifique - Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Links between metabolic plasticity and functional redundancy in freshwater bacterioplankton communities
J Comte, L Fauteux, P del Giorgio
Frontiers in Microbiology 4, 1-11, 2013
Bacterial community structure across environmental gradients in permafrost thaw ponds: methanotroph-rich ecosystems
S Crevecoeur, WF Vincent, J Comte, C Lovejoy
Frontiers in Microbiology, 54, 2015
Oceanographic structure drives the assembly processes of microbial eukaryotic communities
A Monier, J Comte, M Babin, A Forest, A Matsuoka, C Lovejoy
The ISME journal 9 (4), 990-1002, 2015
Microbial community structure and dynamics in the largest natural French lake (Lake Bourget)
J Comte, S Jacquet, S Viboud, D Fontvieille, A Millery, G Paolini, ...
Microbial Ecology 52, 72-89, 2006
Linking the patterns of change in composition and function in bacterioplankton successions along environmental gradients
J Comte, PA Del Giorgio
Ecology 91 (5), 1466-1476, 2010
Seasonal variations of phage life strategies and bacterial physiological states in three northern temperate lakes
CF Maurice, T Bouvier, J Comte, F Guillemette, PA Del Giorgio
Environmental microbiology 12 (3), 628-641, 2010
Co-occurrence patterns in aquatic bacterial communities across changing permafrost landscapes
J Comte, C Lovejoy, S Crevecoeur, WF Vincent
Biogeosciences 13, 175-190, 2016
Composition influences the pathway but not the outcome of the metabolic response of bacterioplankton to resource shifts
J Comte, PA Del Giorgio
PLoS One 6 (9), e25266, 2011
Diversity and potential activity of methanotrophs in high methane-emitting permafrost thaw ponds
S Crevecoeur, WF Vincent, J Comte, A Matveev, C Lovejoy
PLoS One 12 (11), e0188223, 2017
Can marine bacteria be recruited from freshwater sources and the air?
J Comte, ES Lindström, A Eiler, S Langenheder
The ISME journal, 2014
Microbial responses to environmental changes
JB Logue, SEG Findlay, J Comte
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 1364, 2015
Links between resources, C metabolism and the major components of bacterioplankton community structure across a range of freshwater ecosystems
J Comte, PA Del Giorgio
Environmental Microbiology 11 (7), 1704-1716, 2009
Microbial biogeography of permafrost thaw ponds across the changing northern landscape
J Comte, A Monier, S Crevecoeur, C Lovejoy, WF Vincent
Ecography, 2016
Microbial connectivity and sorting in a High Arctic watershed
J Comte, AI Culley, C Lovejoy, WF Vincent
The ISME journal 12 (12), 2988-3000, 2018
Total and methylated mercury in Arctic multiyear sea ice
SA Beattie, D Armstrong, A Chaulk, J Comte, M Gosselin, F Wang
Environmental science & technology 48 (10), 5575-5582, 2014
Contribution of different bacterial dispersal sources to lakes: population and community effects in different seasons
J Comte, M Berga, I Severin, JB Logue, ES Lindström
Environmental Microbiology 19 (6), 2391-2404, 2017
Phototrophic pigment diversity and picophytoplankton in permafrost thaw lakes
A Przytulska, J Comte, S Crevecoeur, C Lovejoy, I Laurion, WF Vincent
Biogeosciences 13, 13-26, 2016
The Ecobiomics project: advancing metagenomics assessment of soil health and freshwater quality in Canada
TA Edge, DJ Baird, G Bilodeau, N Gagné, C Greer, D Konkin, G Newton, ...
Science of The Total Environment 710, 135906, 2020
Effects of dispersal and initial diversity on the composition and functional performance of bacterial communities
Y Zha, M Berga, J Comte, S Langenheder
PLoS ONE 11 (5), e0155239, 2016
Sentinel responses of Arctic freshwater systems to climate: linkages, evidence, and a roadmap for future research
JE Saros, CD Arp, F Bouchard, J Comte, RM Couture, JF Dean, ...
Arctic Science 9 (2), 356-392, 2022
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