Torsten Meier
Torsten Meier
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Sub-cycle control of terahertz high-harmonic generation by dynamical Bloch oscillations
O Schubert, M Hohenleutner, F Langer, B Urbanek, C Lange, U Huttner, ...
Nature photonics 8 (2), 119-123, 2014
Optical investigation of Bloch oscillations in a semiconductor superlattice
J Feldmann, K Leo, J Shah, DAB Miller, JE Cunningham, T Meier, ...
Physical Review B 46 (11), 7252, 1992
Exciton-migration and three-pulse femtosecond optical spectroscopies of photosynthetic antenna complexes
WM Zhang, T Meier, V Chernyak, S Mukamel
The Journal of chemical physics 108 (18), 7763-7774, 1998
High harmonics generated in semiconductor nanostructures by the coupled dynamics of optical inter-and intraband excitations
D Golde, T Meier, SW Koch
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (7), 075330, 2008
Coulomb memory signatures in the excitonic optical Stark effect
C Sieh, T Meier, F Jahnke, A Knorr, SW Koch, P Brick, M Hübner, C Ell, ...
Physical review letters 82 (15), 3112, 1999
Polarons, localization, and excitonic coherence in superradiance of biological antenna complexes
T Meier, Y Zhao, V Chernyak, S Mukamel
The Journal of chemical physics 107 (10), 3876-3893, 1997
Collective effects in second-harmonic generation from split-ring-resonator arrays
S Linden, FBP Niesler, J Förstner, Y Grynko, T Meier, M Wegener
Physical review letters 109 (1), 015502, 2012
Multiple Exciton Coherence Sizes in Photosynthetic Antenna Complexes Viewed by Pump− Probe Spectroscopy
T Meier, V Chernyak, S Mukamel
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (37), 7332-7342, 1997
Evidence of biexcitonic contributions to four-wave mixing in GaAs quantum wells
EJ Mayer, GO Smith, V Heuckeroth, J Kuhl, K Bott, A Schulze, T Meier, ...
Physical Review B 50 (19), 14730, 1994
Coherent electric-field effects in semiconductors
T Meier, G Von Plessen, P Thomas, SW Koch
Physical review letters 73 (6), 902, 1994
Time-resolved investigation of coherently controlled electric currents at a metal surface
J Güdde, M Rohleder, T Meier, SW Koch, U Höfer
Science 318 (5854), 1287-1291, 2007
Coherent semiconductor optics: from basic concepts to nanostructure applications
T Meier, P Thomas, SW Koch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Polarization-dependent optical 2D Fourier transform spectroscopy of semiconductors
T Zhang, I Kuznetsova, T Meier, X Li, RP Mirin, P Thomas, ST Cundiff
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (36), 14227-14232, 2007
Disorder mediated biexcitonic beats in semiconductor quantum wells
TF Albrecht, K Bott, T Meier, A Schulze, M Koch, ST Cundiff, J Feldmann, ...
Physical Review B 54 (7), 4436, 1996
Femtosecond photon echoes in molecular aggregates
T Meier, V Chernyak, S Mukamel
The Journal of chemical physics 107 (21), 8759-8780, 1997
Coherent dynamics of excitonic wave packets
J Feldmann, T Meier, G Von Plessen, M Koch, EO Göbel, P Thomas, ...
Physical review letters 70 (20), 3027, 1993
Dynamic localization in anisotropic Coulomb systems: Field induced crossover of the exciton dimension
T Meier, F Rossi, P Thomas, SW Koch
Physical review letters 75 (13), 2558, 1995
Quantum theory of phonon-assisted exciton formation and luminescence in semiconductor quantum wells
A Thränhardt, S Kuckenburg, A Knorr, T Meier, SW Koch
Physical Review B 62 (4), 2706, 2000
Realization of all-optical vortex switching in exciton-polariton condensates
X Ma, B Berger, M Aßmann, R Driben, T Meier, C Schneider, S Höfling, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 897, 2020
Influence of carrier correlations on the excitonic optical response including disorder and microcavity effects
C Sieh, T Meier, A Knorr, F Jahnke, P Thomas, SW Koch
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 11, 407-421, 1999
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Articles 1–20