Birgitta R. Knudsen
Birgitta R. Knudsen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
RNA secondary structure prediction using stochastic context-free grammars and evolutionary history.
B Knudsen, J Hein
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 15 (6), 446-454, 1999
Dynamics of human DNA topoisomerases IIα and IIβ in living cells
MO Christensen, MK Larsen, HU Barthelmes, R Hock, CL Andersen, ...
The Journal of cell biology 157 (1), 31-44, 2002
Cell cycle–coupled relocation of types I and II topoisomerases and modulation of catalytic enzyme activities
KN Meyer, E Kjeldsen, T Straub, BR Knudsen, ID Hickson, A Kikuchi, ...
The Journal of cell biology 136 (4), 775-788, 1997
Temperature-controlled encapsulation and release of an active enzyme in the cavity of a self-assembled DNA nanocage
S Juul, F Iacovelli, M Falconi, SL Kragh, B Christensen, R Frøhlich, ...
ACS nano 7 (11), 9724-9734, 2013
Assembly and structural analysis of a covalently closed nano-scale DNA cage
FF Andersen, B Knudsen, CLP Oliveira, RF Frøhlich, D Krüger, J Bungert, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (4), 1113-1119, 2008
Statistical alignment: computational properties, homology testing and goodness-of-fit
J Hein, C Wiuf, B Knudsen, MB Møller, G Wibling
Journal of Molecular Biology 302 (1), 265-279, 2000
The RNA-splicing factor PSF/p54 controls DNA-topoisomerase I activity by a direct interaction
T Straub, P Grue, A Uhse, M Lisby, BR Knudsen, TØ Tange, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (41), 26261-26264, 1998
Droplet Microfluidics Platform for Highly Sensitive and Quantitative Detection of Malaria-Causing Plasmodium Parasites Based on Enzyme Activity Measurement
S Juul, CJF Nielsen, R Labouriau, A Roy, C Tesauro, PW Jensen, ...
ACS nano 6 (12), 10676-10683, 2012
Receptor-mediated entry of pristine octahedral DNA nanocages in mammalian cells
G Vindigni, S Raniolo, A Ottaviani, M Falconi, O Franch, BR Knudsen, ...
ACS nano 10 (6), 5971-5979, 2016
Synthesis of fluorosurfactants for emulsion-based biological applications
YL Chiu, HF Chan, KKL Phua, Y Zhang, S Juul, BR Knudsen, YP Ho, ...
ACS nano 8 (4), 3913-3920, 2014
Hairpin structures formed by alpha satellite DNA of human centromeres are cleaved by human topoisomerase IIα
AT Jonstrup, T Thomsen, Y Wang, BR Knudsen, J Koch, AH Andersen
Nucleic acids research 36 (19), 6165-6174, 2008
Structure of nanoscale truncated octahedral DNA cages: variation of single-stranded linker regions and influence on assembly yields
CLP Oliveira, S Juul, HL Jørgensen, B Knudsen, D Tordrup, F Oteri, ...
Acs Nano 4 (3), 1367-1376, 2010
Residues within the N-terminal domain of human topoisomerase I play a direct role in relaxation
M Lisby, JR Olesen, C Skouboe, BO Krogh, T Straub, F Boege, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (23), 20220-20227, 2001
PSF/p54 nrb stimulates “jumping” of DNA topoisomerase I between separate DNA helices
T Straub, BR Knudsen, F Boege
Biochemistry 39 (25), 7552-7558, 2000
Real-time label-free direct electronic monitoring of topoisomerase enzyme binding kinetics on graphene
L Zuccaro, C Tesauro, T Kurkina, P Fiorani, HK Yu, BR Knudsen, K Kern, ...
ACS nano 9 (11), 11166-11176, 2015
Single-molecule detection of human topoisomerase I cleavage− ligation activity
M Stougaard, JS Lohmann, A Mancino, S Celik, FF Andersen, J Koch, ...
ACS nano 3 (1), 223-233, 2009
Synthesis and biological evaluation of indeno [1, 5] naphthyridines as topoisomerase I (TopI) inhibitors with antiproliferative activity
C Alonso, M Fuertes, M González, G Rubiales, C Tesauro, BR Knudsen, ...
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 115, 179-190, 2016
Detection of single enzymatic events in rare or single cells using microfluidics
S Juul, YP Ho, J Koch, FF Andersen, M Stougaard, KW Leong, ...
ACS nano 5 (10), 8305-8310, 2011
Strategies for highly sensitive biomarker detection by Rolling Circle Amplification of signals from nucleic acid composed sensors
M Stougaard, S Juul, FF Andersen, BR Knudsen
Integrative Biology 3 (10), 982-992, 2011
Topoisomerase I activity and sensitivity to camptothecin in breast cancer-derived cells: a comparative study
C Tesauro, AK Simonsen, MB Andersen, KW Petersen, EL Kristoffersen, ...
BMC cancer 19, 1-15, 2019
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