Sheng Mao
Sheng Mao
Assistant Professor, Peking University
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Nanoscale Flexoelectricity
TD Nguyen, S Mao, YW Yeh, PK Purohit, MC McAlpine
Advanced Materials 25 (7), 946-974, 2013
Insights into flexoelectric solids from strain-gradient elasticity
S Mao, PK Purohit
Journal of Applied Mechanics 81 (8), 081004, 2014
Phase behavior and morphology of multicomponent liquid mixtures
S Mao, D Kuldinow, M Haataja, A Kosmrlj
Soft Matter 15, 1297-1311, 2019
Non-uniform growth and surface friction determine bacterial biofilm morphology on soft substrates
C Fei, S Mao, J Yan, R Alert, HA Stone, BL Bassler, NS Wingreen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 1919607117, 2020
Mixed finite-element formulations in piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity
S Mao, PK Purohit, N Aravas
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2016
Mechanical instability and interfacial energy drive biofilm morphogenesis
J Yan, C Fei, S Mao, A Moreau, NS Wingreen, A Kosmrlj, ...
eLife 8, e43920, 2019
Bacterial Biofilm Material Properties Enable Removal and Transfer by Capillary Peeling
J Yan, A Moreau, S Khodaparast, A Perazzo, J Feng, C Fei, S Mao, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (46), 1804153, 2018
Smooth muscle differentiation shapes domain branches during mouse lung development
K Goodwin, S Mao, T Guyomar, E Miller, DC Radisky, A Košmrlj, ...
Development, 2019
Defects in flexoelectric solids
S Mao, P Purohit
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2015
A data-driven computational scheme for the nonlinear mechanical properties of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation
T Xue, A Beatson, M Chiaramonte, G Roeder, J Ash, Y Menguc, ...
Soft Matter 16, 7524-7534, 2020
Designing the Morphology of Separated Phases in Multicomponent Liquid Mixtures
S Mao, MS Chakraverti-Wuerthwein, H Gaudio, A Košmrlj
Physical Review Letters 125 (21), 218003, 2020
Biotemplated Synthesis of PZT Nanowires
K Cung, BJ Han, TD Nguyen, S Mao, YW Yeh, S Xu, RR Naik, G Poirier, ...
Nano letters 13 (12), 6197-6202, 2013
Local accumulation of extracellular matrix regulates global morphogenetic patterning in the developing mammary gland
BA Nerger, JM Jaslove, HE Elashal, S Mao, A Košmrlj, AJ Link, ...
Current Biology 31 (9), 1903-1917. e6, 2021
Liquid demixing in elastic networks: Cavitation, permeation, or size selection?
P Ronceray, S Mao, A Košmrlj, MP Haataja
Europhysics Letters 137 (6), 67001, 2022
A new continuum model for viscoplasticity in metallic glasses based on thermodynamics and its application to creep tests
W Zhu, J Liu, S Mao, X Wei
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 146, 104216, 2021
Learning the nonlinear dynamics of mechanical metamaterials with graph networks
T Xue, S Adriaenssens, S Mao
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 238, 107835, 2023
HA Chin, S Mao, CT Huang, KK Ohemeng, S Wagner, PK Purohit, ...
Extreme Mechanics Letters 2, 20-27, 2015
Transmural Pressure Signals Through Retinoic Acid to Regulate Lung Branching
JM Jaslove, K Goodwin, A Sundarakrishnan, JW Spurlin III, S Mao, ...
Development 149 (2), dev199726, 2022
Mapped shape optimization method for rational design of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation
T Xue, S Mao
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 123 (10), 2357-2380, 2022
Mapped phase field method for brittle fracture
T Xue, S Adriaenssens, S Mao
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 385, 114046, 2021
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Articles 1–20